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Jasper 3.5 features


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I'm evaluating the new version (3.5) of Jasper Reports.

I'm comparing it with 1.3 version...


I couldn't find answer to 2 question which I would appreciate help with :


  1. I have a several textfields ordered one after another (creating a form to the end user) if the text value inside one of the text fields overlaps it does not display fully in the text field. I've tried playing with strech, float and elemt hight but none give the expected result which is: Strech (and move all other elements to the buttom) to display the full text.
  2. I'm checking the possibility of creating reports using an API approach (instead of JRXML based) does jasper reports supports this working mode, is it a common practice, should I as jasperreports jar client take this approach or should I stick with JRXML's instead ?


Thank you for helping,


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The textfield attribute "StretchWithOverflow" should be set to "true", so that the field stretches itself if the text is larger that defined size. (the fields below should have PositionType set to "float")


The other approch by API is more for experienced coders and requires runtime compilations (e.g. via JDT Compiler)  as you would create a JasperDesign Object by API and need a JasperReport Object for fill process... so if your reports need changements in design at runtime (by user interaction or anything like this) you could use API for changing designs... otherwise (most common) if your reports are PREDEFINED you will better work with the compiled JRXMLs what are the JASPER-Files.




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