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iReport and JasperReports version compatibility


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forgive me if there already is a comprehensive list some where that I haven't been able to find, if such a list exists then please point me in that direction.

My question is, what is the compatibility between different versions of iReport and JasperReports? Could I, for example, use iReport 3.5.1 with JasperReports 3.1.4?

My problem is that I can easily install and use a new version iReport but migrating to a new version of JasperReports is not within my realm of responsibility and needs to go through a longer development process.

Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated!

Post Edited by phantastes at 05/06/2009 17:20
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Good point. Here is how it works. Backward compatibility is assured (meaning you can still design a report with an old version of iReport and use it with a newer version of JasperReports, that's not your case by the way).
If you use a newer version of iR or JR, you may accidentally use jrxml tags that are not valid in previous versions. And in any case the jasper file produced by iReport is not usable with an older version of JasperReports (or at least it is not garanteed to work). So you can end up to screw up your report.

Your situation is not uncommon, for this reason we are working on a way to produce reports with iReport  that can be used with previous versions of JasperReports. We came out with a couple of ideas, like having the concept of JasperReports platform, or provide XSLT documents to strip out or convert incompatible tags from the final jrxml. Nothing of that is currently implemented or planned for the next release, but it is on our roadmap.


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Thank you for your quick reply!

Just one follow up question: Are there any specific functions in iReport 3.5.1 that you know produces jrxml tags that are not compatible with JR 3.1.4? Could I look at the release notes and from that gather what would produce incompatible tags? (meaning all new functionality). Or would I be taking a too big risk in using a newer version of IR?

And thank you for a great product!

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