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Dynamic Input Controls


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Is there a way to make the Input Control prompts interact with each other, rather than having them based on their own query, etc.  For example, if I have 2 input controls (pull-down single select type), the first being division, the second being customer.  I want the choices in the customer pull down to be filled with only customers from the selected division (which is first selected in the division pull down).  Almost like a sequenced set of input controls, the answer to one determines the choices in the next.

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I am also stuck in this type of situation.. ie one value from the input control should determine what values in the second input control. ie 2 drop down 1st one is Location and end one is Deprt and when the User selects the location (list of values), the value from this should go and excute the query and generate another input control with the values passed from the db and then pass those both the values in the report and run it.... If anyone has a workaround please let us know as then we might have to think about Crystal Report, if this is not possible by JS.

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