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JasperServer Cache Issue


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Hi Every Body,

                          Do we have any mechanism to improve the cache level of JasperServer so that the Report Viewing will become more faster than before. Is there any Java Class has to written for this . Is there is any way so that the query fire once would be available in cache . Plz help me on this issue.



Post Edited by Vishal Chawre at 03/13/09 04:47
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JasperAnalysis and JasperServer Professional (ad hoc) both cache query results extensively. You could put your reports in the server, and run them there.


If you want iReport to cache data itself, you will need to create a custom query executer/data source to do that.




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The Mondrian engine in JasperAnalysis caches results to speed performance.


When you run a report through the browser, the JasperPrint object is put in the user session. If you then request another output format like PDF, the report is not "refilled" (data retrieved, layout built), but is generated from the JasperPrint. By default, 5 previous JasperPrints are kept, allowing multiple report windows and the back button to work.




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"Make report viewing faster" is always a noble goal /jaspadmin/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/teeth_smile.gif It takes time to get to the first page.

  • Usually, a lot of time is spent in just getting the data (ie. from the query), which JasperServer does not have control over.
  • Report fill time is usually pretty quick.
  • Report content is sent to the browser


Where do you expect ehcache to help? Subsequent runs of the same report? What happens when data or query parameters change?





Post Edited by Sherman Wood at 03/20/09 02:36
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  • 3 months later...

Hi Sherman,

I have 2 reports on JasperServer (Community edition) which both use the same query - one is a summary report and it has drill down 'report execution' hyperlinks to the other report which is a detail report. The detail report also has links back to the summary report.

Rather than execute the query everytime a link is clicked (which effectively loads/re-loads the linked report), is there any way that I can pass the cached query results from one report to the other? Perhaps via a report scriptlet?



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  • 10 months later...

I'm currently working on Jasper Server v3.7.0 Community Edition, and I have the same "cache concern" in order to improve the query execution. The purpose is to run it once per day, and the result cached so that anyone looking at the report on the same day pulls the cached value. 

Is there any property, java class or any coding change that I can do in order to find a solution on this?

Please let me know any comments you have. Thanks.  :)

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You could create a bean or a custom data source for JasperServer that caches the data.


Have a scheduled report that uses your data source that runs daily that will reload the data into memory.


Other reports using the data source will use the cached data.




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  • 8 months later...

Well, we're suffering report fill time actually...

One example. the report fetched 65228 records from DB(simple select over a flat table), the final result is a 1816-page report, DB query time took only 7.3% of the total time, while the report fill took more than 90% of the total time.



  • Usually, a lot of time is spent in just getting the data (ie. from the query), which JasperServer does not have control over.
  • Report fill time is usually pretty quick.
  • Report content is sent to the browser


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