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JasperReports 3.0.0 released

Teodor Danciu

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JasperReports 3.0.0 Change Log



- support for custom properties at element level in generated documents,

to allow extending exporter functionality;


- custom element properties can have expressions as values (dynamic values);


- support for XLS cell formula, using the "net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.formula"

custom property at element level;


- better control over sheet breaks in XLS exporters using the new custom element

properties called "net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.break.before.row" and



- new configuration property called "net.sf.jasperreports.export.legacy.border.offset"

to allow rendering element borders in older reports using the legacy border offset

technique that that was used in versions prior to the 2.0.3 release.


- support for "Parent" and "Top" as hyperlink targets;


- enhanced XML exporter and new XML exporter servlet added to facilitate viewing

reports using the JasperReports Flash Viewer component



- new experimental XMLSS exporter (XML Spreadsheet Format) that allows streaming

content while generating the document and thus avoid memory problems with

very large reports;


- minor bug fixes and improvements;

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"Report no Pages" usually indicates that your query did not return any results. With the default settings Jasper Reports won't generate any report then since there are no data. You can override this behaviour under Report Properties to produce a blank page.


.. besides that, this is perhaps not the right thread for general questions on using the product.


Torbjörn Österdahl [www.ultra-marine.org]

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Hi there,

Does the " n" work in the key expression chat area where you can move other expression to the next line?


How do I move expression in a pie chat to a next line?

I think the pie chat has problem that need to be address. It works well with sql where it reads column but in CSV it only reads in rows why?

I will love to have a responds and it is very important to my company.



Post edited by: systemp, at: 2008/06/24 18:40

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systemp wrote:

Hi there,
Does the " n" work in the key expression chat area where you can move other expression to the next line?

How do I move expression in a pie chat to a next line?
I think the pie chat has problem that need to be address. It works well with sql where it reads column but in CSV it only reads in rows why?
I will love to have a responds and it is very important to my company.


I don't understand your questions. What exactly does "I move expression in a pie chat to a next line" mean? Or "in CSV it only reads in rows"? Try to explain your issues better, e.g. include examples of what you're trying to do, actual results, expected results, etc.





PS: I see it's necessary to repeat myself:

If your questions are not related to the thread topic (which in this case is the announcement of the JR 3.0.0 release), post them as new threads.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Seeing the changes, why is it a major version ? (3.0.0) and not something like 2.1.0 or 2.0.6 ?


Are there any risks of compatibility when moving from 2.0.* ?


Thanks in advance

Post edited by: natha, at: 2008/07/08 09:52

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I won't comment on the version number.


Regarding the upgrade from older versions, there shouldn't be any risk in that since JR releases maintain backward compatibility (with very rare exceptions that usually apply only to exotic JR use cases).


Note however, that older releases are not forward compatible with newer versions, so for instance you won't be able to use in JR 2.0.* a report compiled with JR 3.0.0.




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I have downloaded the newest version 3.0 and create a Report with iReport. I export the report in PDF and in HTML. the PDF export ist ok, but in the html export some static texts are missing!

Here ist the code for the html export.



ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
JRHtmlExporter exporterRtf = new JRHtmlExporter();
exporterRtf.setParameter(JRHtmlExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, lPrint);
exporterRtf.setParameter(JRHtmlExporterParameter.OUTPUT_STREAM, output);
exporterRtf.setParameter(JRHtmlExporterParameter.IS_USING_IMAGES_TO_ALIGN, Boolean.FALSE);
exporterRtf.setParameter(JRHtmlExporterParameter.IGNORE_PAGE_MARGINS, Boolean.TRUE);
bytes = output.toByteArray();
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I have a problem exporting a CSV file with the spanish accented characters.

I know that the problem is in the jasper library version. With 1.3 it works perfectly, but i am working with 3.0 version.

Is there any solucion with 3.0 version? I have used 3.0 library in order to impruve image quality, beacause with 1.3 library some images were in low definition.

is there any way to generate a xls rerport instead of the csv report without the same 'accent problem'??



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