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can I set columnsize?


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Can anyone let me know if I can set the column size of a column in a report?


What's happening with me is when I have 4 columns in a report, it prints the data till the end of the page and then starts printing in the second column and so on.


If there is a way that I can set the column size so that once it prints 6rows in a column it should start printing in the next column, then that would be really great.


Any suggestions please.



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hi jackdawson,


if the problem is how the space is used, you can ask JasperReports to will the report horizontally insead of vertically, you would get a record filling like:


1 | 2 | 3 | 4

5 | 6 | 7 | 8



Instead of


1 | 4 | 7

2 | 5 | 8

3 | 6 |


If your problem is really that you want no more than 6 records per column, inspite of how height is your report, you can create a group based of an expression like:


new Integer( $V{REPORT_COUNT}.intValue()/6 )


This mean: every 6 records, create a new group.

Now, if you set the group to go to a new column, you get what you need.



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  • 4 months later...

I tried to get the data in columns but I dont know why but this bizarre thing happens:

1.) 1st column has 6 records displayed.
2.) 2nd column has 6 records displayed
3.) 3rd column has only 1 record displayed.
4.) 4th column has 6 records displayed.
5.) the rest of the printing starts in the next page and the remaining 5 records are displayed in each column.

It seems very strange.
Why would 1st, 2nd and 4th columns display 6 records and not the 3rd column?

Thanks again for your help.

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Report structure:
Main report(say, report1) has a subreport(say, report2) which again has 2 subreports(say, report 3 and report 4 respectively). The reports 3 and 4 have queries that fetch the data and fill the report.

I will attach a sample out. Please check that out.

Thanks again for your help.


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I dont see my attachment. It's gone. I attached it twice.

This is strange.  Anyways, this is what the attachment should have:

I think my problem has something to do with the page dimensions. So here are the details about them:

Reports Information:

Report            Page Height    Page Width    No. of Cols.     Col. Width
------                     -----------            ----------          ------------    ------------
Main(report1)    842px                 595px                 1                  555   
report2               200px                 580px                 1                  580
report 3              200px                 550px                 4                  135
report 4              200px                 550px                 4                  135

Sample output:

Hour    Count        Hour    Count        Hour    Count       
--------  ---------     ---------    --------        --------  -----------
0    xx         6    xx         12     xx                 13     xx
1    xx         7    xx                                       14     xx
2    xx         8    xx                                       15     xx
3    xx         9    xx                                       16     xx
4    xx         10    xx                                     17      xx   
5    xx         11    xx                                     18     xx

And, the rest of the data is printed on the next page one in each column. This is still more


Thanks again.

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