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HTTP Status 404


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Im trying to install JasperServer on Win XP, but after the installation it says:

HTTP Status 404 - /jasperserver/

type Status report

message /jasperserver/

description The requested resource (/jasperserver/) is not available.
Apache Tomcat/6.0.14


My tomcat manager says:

FAIL - Application at context path /jasperserver could not be started


I hope somebody can help me out.


Post edited by: PaulE, at: 2008/01/17 14:17

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Look at your $TOMCAT/webapps directory, do you have a app context jasperserver? If not, then that's the problem. During installation, did you change the context from the default jasperserver to something different? If so, try to replace jasperserver in your access URL to the one you chose?

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  • 2 months later...

I have the exat same issue on my CentOS VM install. The install did not give me any issues, I installed Tomcat/MySQL which came with JasperServer. I also confirmed that "/usr/local/JasperServer/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver" exists. Everything seems to start and work fine,


[root@localhost JasperServer]# ./jasperctl.sh start

Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /usr/local/JasperServer/mysql/data

Using CATALINA_BASE: /usr/local/JasperServer/apache-tomcat

Using CATALINA_HOME: /usr/local/JasperServer/apache-tomcat

Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /usr/local/JasperServer/apache-tomcat/temp

Using JRE_HOME: /usr/local/JasperServer/java


Thanks in advance for the help!



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Thanks Lucian,


Here is the attached catalina.out


Now I can see some errors in it but not sure what it is, or where the issue is, My best guess is something is wrong in the DB...? Well I installed it on Fedora 6.0 and it has the exat same issue.


am I doing something wrong?


KP [file name=catalina-ced6d2f94e7bcda0381356e29d495cb1.txt size=55563]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/catalina-ced6d2f94e7bcda0381356e29d495cb1.txt[/file]

Post edited by: kaype, at: 2008/04/08 03:55

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kaype wrote:

Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'jasperadmin'@'localhost' (using password: YES)


If you installed JasperServer with the bundled MySQL, this could be a problem with the installer.


Unfortunately I don't know much about how the installer works, so I don't know what could cause this. Hopefully someone else will clarify this.




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I did get a report from a user who was unable to install using the installer under Fedora. This user ended up doing the manual install by starting with the War File Distribution (jasperserver-2.1-bin.zip). And following the instructions in the install guide.


I plan to do some installer testing with configurations of Fedora and other Dists (such as CentOS) - we are coming out with our 3.0 release pretty soon so I'm a little swamped at the moment.


JasperServer itself runs fine on these configurations.


The question is: does the installer run cleanly on these configurations.

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@tkavanagh: unfortunatly it did not work on my ubuntu 7.10 (server)


@javydreamercsw: I used all defalt install on a fresh ubuntu install (this is true for my prv distros too), so there is no Q of any previous versions of tomcat running.


Note that http://localhost:8080/ works (i.e. it opens the defalt tomcat page, so I know tomcat is working, it is just the jasperserver in the webapps which I am not able to access.

Post edited by: kaype, at: 2008/04/08 21:53

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Hmm, something odd is going on here...


Here's the Ubuntu that I am running:


lsb_release -a


Distributor ID: Ubuntu

Description: Ubuntu 7.04

Release: 7.04

Codename: feisty


Can you attach the install log and the tomcat start up log? Here are the locations you would find them:


Installer Log:


/tmp/bitrock_install_<num>.log (get most recent!)


Tomcat Log:




I would like to take a look.





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I took a look at the logs.


In the installer log, I can see that the import operation is failing with an:


java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'jasperadmin'@'localhost'


So, there is something going on with MySQL. Do you have a 64bit machine or something like that?


Check that there is no mysql running (ps -ef | grep mysql). Then you can start only mysql: <install-dir>/jasperctl.sh start mysql


Does it start up, and can you login with the credentials you provided (password will be the same for root db user and jasperadmin db user)?


Not sure it's worth doing all of the above! Instead, I would get a fresh mysql from the mysql site. Install this. Then get rid of your previous install (<install-dir>/uninstall). And run a fresh install but install to your new Existing mysql.

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@ Tony:


Well all the installs I did were fresh OS with no MySQL installed, so I am not sure how the installation can have issues with MySQL. FYI - mine is a 32 bit intel system on VMware.


./jasperctl.sh stop

Using CATALINA_BASE: /usr/local/JasperServer/apache-tomcat

Using CATALINA_HOME: /usr/local/JasperServer/apache-tomcat

Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /usr/local/JasperServer/apache-tomcat/temp

Using JRE_HOME: /usr/local/JasperServer/java

STOPPING server from pid file /usr/local/JasperServer/mysql/data/mysqld.pid

080409 11:32:18 mysqld ended


./jasperctl.sh : mysql stopped

root@reporting:/usr/local/JasperServer# ps -ef | grep mysql

root 16520 5580 0 12:00 pts/0 00:00:00 grep mysql


./jasperctl.sh start mysql

./jasperctl.sh : mysql started

Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /usr/local/JasperServer/mysql/data


mysql/bin/mysql -uroot

ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)


I will try a fresh MySQL and let you know how it goes. One Q - do I have to get it from MySQL site, can I just do a apt-get install mysql-server?




Looks like I am not able to access the MySQL DB here, not sure what the issue is.

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In order to connect to mysql with the mysql client, you will have to specify the --socket used. You can see this by looking inside of the jasperctl.sh. Or by doing a ps -ef | grep mysql when mysql is running.


It would look something like:


mysql -u root -p --socket=/usr/local/JasperServer/mysql/tmp/mysql.sock


Then you can see if the following database has been created: jasperserver


show databases;


And there should be entries in the "mysql" database:


use mysql;


select * from users;


(A standard, default mysql install looks in /tmp for the socket value. So, the JS installer mysql uses it's own location.)


Regarding getting your own mysql instance (recommended), the apt-get should work for mysql. I haven't run it myself however.

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Installation is a success! I reinstalled it without entering any password for MySQL ....it just worked!


Now if I change the root pass of MySQL, I am not sure where I need to update on JasperServer...any idea?


Thanks for the healp guys!



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kaype wrote:

Installation is a success! I reinstalled it without entering any password for MySQL ....it just worked!

Now if I change the root pass of MySQL, I am not sure where I need to update on JasperServer...any idea?

Thanks for the help guys!

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  • 6 months later...
  • 9 years later...

jasperserver stack comes with its own installation of mysql. Check to see if you have multiple instances of mysql running....conflicting ports

change the port number on the jasperserver instance of mysql if needed

make sure the port number for jasperserver mysql is the same as the one specified in tomcat  (.../tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/META-INF/context.xml)

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