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running a ireport .jrxml from jasperintelligence


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I am a developer trying to evaluate and get jasperintelligence working.



I got the iReports 1.2.5 and created a simple database report that hits oracle using a jdbc source


It runs just fine in iReports when i execute with active connection.


I want to schedule or run it from jasperintelligence and it allows me to run it but I am not sure where the output goes.


I tried putting all the information it prompts for emails thinking it will email me a pdf or rtf version of the output and could not get any.


Has anybody else faced this problem


How to i schedule the report and where do i see the output...

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It sounds like you have it running in jasperintelligence (JI) (you originally created it in iReport - then you moved it over to jasperintelligence).


So, if you can run the report and see it on the screen, then everything is working in JI.


If you are scheduling the report then you can "truely" schedule it by having it run in the future (or on some set schedule). Or you can schedule it and have it "run now" which is a handy way to test whether everything works.


There are two things to keep in mind. You must choose a place where the scheduled report gets located. This is specified as part of the information you fill out to schedule a report.


The other thing is that you can request that an email get sent after the generation. However, if the email send fails, then the report will probably not get generated. You can look in the application logs to see if there was an exception regarding sending out an email.


Also, lookin in the WEB-INF/js.mail.properties to see if it correctly specifies your company smtp server. And make sure your local firewall does not block port 25 (as mine did when I was first testing the scheduling! ;-)



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Just for clarification


The ireport utility was an interactive utility that is a seperate application and the report runs there within the ireport1.2.5 application


I setup the report in JI and it gives me options for running it now or scheduling it .


I just wanted it to run and display the report output pages in the ji webpage itself as show in the ji documentation.


I did NOT set it up to email me


Just wanted to see the output online


But after running i am not sure where to look for


Is the repository a database repository in mysql or is it a physical file folder location..


Your help is greatly appreciated.



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When one creates a folder in ji using the Add New and selecting folder from the drop down option where is the folder created.


Is it creating a physical file folder or a mysql entity...


As all folders seem to go under root is it true that the folder is a repository in mysql

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