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Two subreports one below another


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I have the main report template, which supports two sub-reports, one below the other. They are over-laying the data - one of top of another. I though, once one report displayed data, then it would show the data for the next report - but not. is there a way to do this?


I need to display, one sub-report below another sub-report inside the entire report.



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I'm not sure I understand the problem. Are the subreports overlapping? If so, you need to set the lower subreport's position to be "float" instead of the default "relative to top". That way the location of the second subreport gets moved down if the first subreport is longer than the design view.


I believe you can set the position on the general tab of the subreport properties.



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I did set the "Position type" for the the second report to 'FLOAT' but still they are overlapping. Is there any other way to overcome this?


I would be adding about 8-10 subreports to this main master report.


also - I could not the dummy group-bys since we want these reports to show at the very end of the main report. So, I have been adding these subreports to the "summary" part of document.




Post edited by: vk01, at: 2007/11/09 12:32

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Hi - i only have the subreports in the summary section since i want these results to show at the very end of the main report. there maybe about 10 subreports.


I tried using "Position Type - Float" on the second report but was unsuccessful. The data still overlays.


you are saying to create like a "dummy report" which holds all these subreports in the detail section. Then add this "dummy report" to the summary part of the main report?


I have parameters being passed to the subreport.


thank you!

Post edited by: vk01, at: 2007/11/09 17:12

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That what I'm saying. Most data base have a dummy query that you can run.


Select 0 From duel


This will trigger the dummy report report which will run all your subreports. As to the parameter you can pass them to your driver subreport which in turn will pass the parameters to all your subreports.

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i have the same problem as well and wondering that nobody seems to have a working solution for it. It really seems to be a problem. I've put two subreports in my detail-band and pass the parameters to it through the "REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP". If i choose the alignment "relatively fixed to top" for both then they overlap, float for both causes the first to be shown and the second is overlapped or not shown. In my opinion putting the reports into a dummy report just shifts the problem.

Are there other working ideas ?




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You are right .... it works! :)

i have created a new report and two simple subreports, put them in the detail-band and the first one is displayed on top of the second one with your mentioned settings.

But I have another report, wich is quite more complicated and in this report it doesn't work - i don't have a clue why...:sick:

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"Fixed relative to top" positions the element on fixed distance (in pixels) from the top of the band, so if you have complex layout you can try various combinations on your elements. Maybe if you put "Fixed relative to top" only to elements closest to band top, and all under them to "Float"?
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