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Everything posted by vk01

  1. vk01


    I had the same issue with iReports 2.0.2 - it was the version of jdk issue.
  2. you need to set the report document property - When no data - All sections, no detail option.
  3. It is not an error more of a warning. it is MS 2007 behavior. http://www.houseoffusion.com/groups/cf-talk/thread.cfm/threadid:55048#298296
  4. Solved! It is also posted in another thread. Set the text field to java.util.date - and then use following -- (new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")).parse($P{START_DATE})
  5. It comes back with error message - Cannot cast from string to date.
  6. Hi, When I try to open the report using xls format, it comes up with this message - "The file you are trying to open "jasperservlet", is in a different format than specified by the file extension. Verify that the files is not corrupt and is from a trusted source before opening the file. Do you want to open the file now?" This appears only in Microsoft 2007 edition, 2003 opens fine. why do we get this message? IS there a setting to turn off this message? Thanks! Post edited by: vk01, at: 2008/02/11 15:25
  7. I tried this syntax and it is not working :( This field is a string, and not a java.util.date Is there any way i can convert a string to required date format?
  8. I cannot set the parameter as java.util.date - it has to be a string. And this is not working if the parameter is a string. Any other way to format a string to a date.
  9. [file name=MasterReport-d03c2908d9a8c1e58b4da04e144872c8.jrxml size=5520]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/MasterReport-d03c2908d9a8c1e58b4da04e144872c8.jrxml[/file]
  10. Master file - please read this first before subreport.
  11. I have attached examples of using the Master Report and a subreport. Download these samples from the website itself. I had to search quite a bit. It is has a whole bunch of samples. [file name=ProductReport.jrxml size=9463]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/ProductReport.jrxml[/file]
  12. In your main report, select the field you would like to create a hyperlink on - select properties, hyperlink tab- properties - Hyperlink target - Self(opens in same window), hyperlink type - Reference basic syntax -- "path to the other report" + "?reportName=your_other_report&KEY=" + $F{KEY} -- you can pass as many fields as you want to other report. hope this helps.
  13. Did you remove these bands in the subreport? you can set the height to 0, so it doesn't appear.
  14. Sounds like a case of subreport to me. You can pass as hyperlink or create the subreport within main report. You can read the iReport documentation.
  15. Hi, I have a double field which gets this value - 0.0 It is requested that it show up as blank instead of 0.0 - how to format this? I have tried - defined a variable as string and set -- ($F{DISTANCE}.intValue() == 0) ? " " : $F{DISTANCE}.toString()) -- The pattern is not working on this variable, maybe being a string. Want to report on a single decimal point. Thanks.
  16. Hi, I have a double field which gets this value - 0.0 It is requested that it show up as blank instead of 0.0 - how to format this? I have tried - defined a variable as string and set -- ($F{DISTANCE}.intValue() == 0) ? " " : $F{DISTANCE}.toString()) -- The pattern is not working on this variable, maybe being a string. Want to report on a single decimal point. Thanks!
  17. unless already solved, could you try giving the complete path as well - just to test and see?
  18. unless already solved, could you try giving the complete path as well - just to test and see?
  19. unless already solved, could you try giving the complete path as well - just to test and see?
  20. I have done this using iReports. You can set up a hyperlink subreport. for this purpose in the main report, go to the hyerplink tab, reference tab, give the path to the other report along with the employee_id or which id you are passing.
  21. I have done this using iReports. You can set up a hyperlink subreport. for this purpose in the main report, go to the hyerplink tab, reference tab, give the path to the other report along with the employee_id or which id you are passing.
  22. I have done this using iReports. You can set up a hyperlink subreport. for this purpose in the main report, go to the hyerplink tab, reference tab, give the path to the other report along with the employee_id or which id you are passing.
  23. I have done this using iReports. You can set up a hyperlink subreport. for this purpose in the main report, go to the hyerplink tab, reference tab, give the path to the other report along with the employee_id or which id you are passing.
  24. Hope the above helped you - i couldn't make out the answer in writing but the image looked about right. you can create a groups for this report.
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