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Problem with barcode generation


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I have developed some reports with iReport 2.0.1 which use barcode fields (Code128 option). Within iReport they work fine. Now I have transferred the reports to my application together with the iReport.jar file. When running, I get the following exception:

java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: it/businesslogic/ireport/barcode/BcImage (Unsupported major.minor version 49.0)

Can anyone please tell me which is the supported version or how I could fix the problem?


Best regards mfassbender

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Was a solution found for this?


I'm hitting this problem as well. I have created a report in iReport using the latest Java version. the report is a simple test with a barcode on filled with from a DB field. In iReport the preview works fine.


I'm now using this in a Application on Websphere and i'm getting this error. I know the project is set to use Java 1.4...could this be the problem?



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  • 1 year later...

Hi I have the same problem, I was looking someone in forums and it seems that "Unsupported major.minor version 49.0" means that you are using a library compiled in java 1.5 and you are using another java version.


In my case I use java 1.4, but I need to use the library without updating my java. I tried to download old iReport release , but from 2.0.0 to 3.0.0 not work


If you know something about this please tell me

Post Edited by calel0722 at 06/26/2009 20:29
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Great chatch calel0722,  this is the best solution.

More, the best solution is not use ireport.jar (which containg GPL core), but a smaller jar called ireport-utils which can be generated from the source code with the ant task jar:

iReport-1.x.x-src >  ant jar

The jar is places in the dist directory and contains only the LGPL classes of iReport.

Finally, all this stuff is not required using iReport 3.5.2 and later, since from that version JasperReports provides a native barcode component (which requires of course JasperReports 3.5.2 and later).


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  • 5 months later...

Are your problems still exsisting? I'm sorry maybe my experience is not enough, but I've also met the same problem with you, so I hope I can help you.

The possible resolution are follow:

There's something wrong with you java application, you can reinstall it. Or your java version is not compatible with iReport 2.0.1, you can change another, it's easy to find on google.

Maybe your barcode generation cannot work in java and Ireport. I've ever change a java barcode generation directly. Or you can goole other code 128 generation for ireport. You can find many such tools on google.

That's all, hopre my experience is helpful to you, if you still have some problems, you can ask me gain.

Good luck.

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