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creating links in reports


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Can we have any link in the generated reports. For ex: I have a report of all the list of employees. Now I want to make each of the employee id as a link and upon clicking it should display the employee details in another report.



Please help me.



Thanks in advance.

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Just a quick question before i go into detail (I have created many hyperlinked reports that create a web of links). Are you uploading these reports to the Jasper server? And do you intend to run these reports using the parameters as selectable values through the jasper reports interface?


Let me know and i can give you a some help.


All the best, Harris

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Hi Harris,



I guess you are asking for which app server am I using. And I am using websphere and not jasper server.



I want to generate the templates using ireports and use these templates in my application that will run in websphere application server.



ok, another quick question here (small detour from above). ireport will generate both jrxml tempalte and jasper object out of it. Can I used jasper object directly in my app instead of compiling xml template in my code ? If now when and how should I compile the templates in my code.



Your next question: "And do you intend to run these reports using the parameters as selectable values through the jasper reports interface". I am not sure what is the jasper reports interface. I just started looking into Jasper report yesterday.



But all I want is a dashboard with all kinds of reports that I can generate. And some reports will have a list of records and upon clicking each record will display details of that record.



Please let me know if any details are needed.




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I am interested in trying to create hyperlink reports using iReport. I have a master report, hyperlinked one of the fields in the master report and passing the primary_key along with this field, would like it to open the detail report. Can we do this?


Any help would be much appreciated.


Do we need JasperServer to create this?



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I am interested in trying to create hyperlink reports using iReport. I have a master report, hyperlinked one of the fields in the master report and passing the primary_key along with this field, would like it to open the detail report. Can we do this?


Any help would be much appreciated.


Do we need JasperServer to create this?



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I am interested in trying to create hyperlink reports using iReport. I have a master report, hyperlinked one of the fields in the master report and passing the primary_key along with this field, would like it to open the detail report. Can we do this?


Any help would be much appreciated.


Do we need JasperServer to create this?



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I am interested in trying to create hyperlink reports using iReport. I have a master report, hyperlinked one of the fields in the master report and passing the primary_key along with this field, would like it to open the detail report. Can we do this?


Any help would be much appreciated.


Do we need JasperServer to create this?



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