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Everything posted by mkiranmk

  1. Hi, I need to fetch the column headers from a table in database. Since these are column headers, I need to print them horizontally with out any new line for each value. I tried setting the document's print order to "Horizontal" but still got the same output printed vertically. Basically this is in a subreport and I read some where that it will not work when executed from iReport. So even tried deploying and running thru a web application but in vain. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  2. Thank you very much Lucianc. I looked into the code sample and guess doing this will help where pageIndex is the page which we want to view. Code:exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.PAGE_INDEX, new Integer(pageIndex));
  3. Hi All, I have to generate HTML reports but cannot display all the records in single report because of huge huge data. So I want to display 100 recs per page and have pagination with "PREV" and "NEXT" links (or page number 1,2,3,...10,...). I tried to search the fourm pagination but got results only for the IS_IGNORE_PAGINATION flag which is just going to display all the results in one continuous single table instead of split tables. Looking for a solution if anything can be done from jasper side rather than handling by query/code Any kind of help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  4. Hi Harris, I guess you are asking for which app server am I using. And I am using websphere and not jasper server. I want to generate the templates using ireports and use these templates in my application that will run in websphere application server. ok, another quick question here (small detour from above). ireport will generate both jrxml tempalte and jasper object out of it. Can I used jasper object directly in my app instead of compiling xml template in my code ? If now when and how should I compile the templates in my code. Your next question: "And do you intend to run these reports using the parameters as selectable values through the jasper reports interface". I am not sure what is the jasper reports interface. I just started looking into Jasper report yesterday. But all I want is a dashboard with all kinds of reports that I can generate. And some reports will have a list of records and upon clicking each record will display details of that record. Please let me know if any details are needed. Thanks.
  5. Hi, Further to this can we have any link in the generated reports. For ex: I have a report of all the list of employees. Now I want to make each of the employee id as a link and upon clicking it should display the employee details in another report. Please help me. Thanks in advance.
  6. Hi, Can we have any link in the generated reports. For ex: I have a report of all the list of employees. Now I want to make each of the employee id as a link and upon clicking it should display the employee details in another report. Please help me. Thanks in advance.
  7. Thanks nitin and rathina04 for your quick responses. I will try it and get back to you in case of any issues.
  8. Hi, I'm new to Jasper reports. I have gone thru some of the available intro's and tutorial like IBM and devx. In these tutorials the demos are using the following piece of code to generate a report in particular format, say PDF and store it to some location. Code:JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile Is it not possible to just show the report without saving to any location. Because this report is like a status report at any particular time. So any user should be able to just click a link/button to get the current status report. Once the report is generated then it is upto the user wheather he want to save it or just dispose it. How can I achieve this? Your help is appreciated. Thanks.
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