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  1. Hello folks, I want to know if Jasper intend to implement a "save view" (MDX query) into the Jasperserver? It would be nice if when you have create an analysis view on your mondrian cube you were able to save the MDX that created that analysis? Maybe even when you revisting the cube at a later dat to have a pull down menu with all the "analysis views" available for selection. I know for a fact that the Penatho BI Suite 1.6 has added the ability to explore you analysis cube and save the view for use later on instead of having to explore the cube again at a later date for the same analysis results. Harris
  2. Just a quick question before i go into detail (I have created many hyperlinked reports that create a web of links). Are you uploading these reports to the Jasper server? And do you intend to run these reports using the parameters as selectable values through the jasper reports interface? Let me know and i can give you a some help. All the best, Harris
  3. Hello folks. I wanted to reply to this as to give the thread a bump. The reason i think this is important is because it is a real problem that im sure not only i can be experiencing. Has anyone else out there come across this problem? As i stated in my last post, every month should have data. There is no missing data for any of the points. Any idea's? Maybe from a developer? Best regards, Harris
  4. Hi Svenn, All the months have a numerical value So all the points should be plotted. Any other idea's mate? Best regards, Harris
  5. Using Ireport i have created a simple line graph but for some reason some of the "Points" on the lines are missing. Why might this be happening? Not to mention that also some of the lines are missing that join the points. Attached is a PDF with the line graph for you to have a look at. Any clues? Best regards, Harris [file name=line_graph.pdf size=39802]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/line_graph.pdf[/file]
  6. Hi Tony, Im using: Windows XP SP2 Tomcat 5.5.23 Mysql 5.0.27 Java 5.0_10 As for the 2.0.1 installer, That works fine for me if i use the bundled tomcat and my own MySQL server. Best regards, Harris
  7. Hi Lucian, Thanks for looking into this! Its been driving me insanity!! :) I will give your fix a go and see what happens! Best regards, Harris
  8. Well its not looking good :( This has to be the 10th time ive tried to deploy with the .WAR file and failed. I even looked for an older version of Tomcat (5.5.20, the same one included with JI 2.0.1 installer) It doesn`t matter how many times i follow the "Jasper server install guide" simple steps (and they are very simple) i still get the same error messages. I cant decode these error message as i am pretty new to Java development. Any help is appreciated. Thanks you all in advance! :)
  9. Hi Tony, Its very odd that you should get that message in the error log as i did copy the mysql driver into the commom/lib dir mysql-connector-java-3.1.12-bin.jar Any other thoughts maybe? Maybe if it isnt too much trouble someone would like to try and deploy the 2.0.1 WAR file on tomcat 5.5.23? See if you get the same problems. At least then i will know im not the only one ;) Best regards, Harris
  10. I had to break the log file into two parts as it was too big to upload. here is the first part of the log file. in the previous post id the second part [file name=part1.txt size=167412]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/part1.txt[/file]
  11. Hi Lucian, I have installed another instance of tomcat configured to use jre 1.5.0_10 and then places the jasperservre webapp in the right directory. start up tomcat and i get this error message Best regards, Harris [file name=part2.txt size=174455]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/part2.txt[/file] Post edited by: hazamonzo, at: 2007/08/22 15:36 Post edited by: hazamonzo, at: 2007/08/22 15:37
  12. This may also be of use to a Java developer. I have attached the logfile from ROOT/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/logs Theres i lovely big error message in there. If someone could have a look at it i appreciate it! :) Best regards, Harris [file name=jasperserver-5089c3f03a7af44c2e8e779fb246cd95.txt size=66985]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/jasperserver-5089c3f03a7af44c2e8e779fb246cd95.txt[/file] Post edited by: hazamonzo, at: 2007/08/22 13:59
  13. Hello again folks. After playing around a little more i can provide more information. I decided to also use the JI 2.0.1 installer. So now i have 2 copies of JI. one using the installer and one build from the .WAR file. Here is what i have found out. As a quick test i decided to copy the jasperserver folder in the webapps from the INSTALLED verion and overwrite the jasperserver folder in my other copy of JI (the one built from the .war file). I then loaded my version of tomcat with the INSTALLED versions jasperserver folder (making sense so far?) It looks like this did not work which leads me to think sometjing might be wrong with my version of tomcat. I then decided to try it the other way round and copied my version of the WAR file from my tomcat and overwrite the INSTALLED verion. I loaded the INSTALLED version of tomcat and it did work! This means that the build on my server of the >WAR file is configured correctly. It just doesnt work on my version of tomcat(fresh install by the way) I also noticed that the INSTALLED version runs on tomcat 5.5.20 and my version is 5.5.23 Is it a version problem or maybe there is somethig i need to configure on my tocat to get my .WAR file working? Hope that helps. Any pointers? Best regards, Harris
  14. Hello folks. I have been trying to deploy JI from the .WAR file for a couple of days now with no luck so far. Here is some information: JI 2.0.1.WAR Tomcat 5.5.23 - Fresh install MySQL 5.0.27 JI 2.0.1 jasper-server-install-guide.pdf I have followed the steps for deploying JI with tomcat: Created the jasperserver database and populated it with the basic records (16 records for basic population) Created the jasperadmin user for the database and assigned privileges extracted the .WAR file into the webapps folder under jaspersever Edited the webapps/METE-INF/context.xml file with the correct settings for database connection Checked that the settings where right in the webapps/WEB-INF/hibernate.properties Started up tomcat (list of errors) http://localhost:8080 works http://localhost:8080/jasperserver returns a 404 error. I am happy to post log files and config files on request. Maybe someone out ther could help me? Best regards, Harris
  15. So i have a simple report built in IReports that requires 2 parameters: STATUS and DP I have set the parameters and built the query: SELECT vessels.`vesselType` AS vessels_vesselType, vessels.`vesselName` AS vessels_vesselName, vessels.`vesselDesign` AS vessels_vesselDesign, vessels.`status` AS vessels_status, vessels.`dp` AS vessels_dp, vessels.`dpDescription` AS vessels_dpDescription FROM `vessels` vessels WHERE dp = $P{DP} AND status = $P{STATUS} ORDER BY vesselType ASC The report in IReports prompts me for a STATUS and a DP. When i supply this information the report compiles fine in the viewer. Lets upload it to the server! I add the report and 2 controls: STATUS and DP and use the single select list of values: STATUS values: CONTRACTED and SPOT DP values: 0, 1, 2 If i run my report in IReport with SATUS = 2 and DP = i get a couple of records displayed. If i try this once the report has been uploaded to the server i get NO records and no error message. Just the "The report is empty". The query is correct i know that for sure. What might be going on here? All the best Harris
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