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JasperAnalysis Workbench 3.5.4 released


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The JasperAnalysis Workbench, available as a separate download, is a graphical desktop tool for building and
testing OLAP schemas. The generated schema files can then be uploaded to your JasperAnalysis server.

Download it at https://sourceforge.net/projects/jasperserver/files/JasperServer/JasperAnalysis-Workbench-3.5.4.zip

It comes with documentation on Mondrian and a user guide for the Workbench itself.

  • Editor is aware of the schema structure, providing popup menus to add relevant schema elements and drop down combo boxes of correct values from the database schemas, tables and columns or other schema elements like Levels
  • Validates and tests the schema against the underlying database
  • JDBC Explorer allows inspection of database structure
  • Multiple database connection management
  • Runs MDX queries against the schema with grid display of results
  • Automated generation of default MDX queries to aid testing
  • Includes MySQL, Postgres and Ingres JDBC drivers: others can be added as needed
  • User Guide includes a tutorial on using the Workbench to get to your first schema






Post Edited by swood at 07/01/2009 03:48

Post Edited by swood at 07/03/2009 03:07
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Man am I excited to finally get this! Huge step forward in terms of getting Jasper Analysis to be viable on our end.


I'm running into a problem at this point, however. It looks like at first glance I can't base a dimension on the fact table itself. We already aggregate all the data into one table and so I don't need to foreign key into another table in order to form my dimensions. (We're not likely to migrate to a star or snowflake schema database any time soon) Hence my need to be able to form my dimensions based on the fact table.


Any suggestions? I've looked at the docs and they neither mention this as a limitation or provide a resolution.




Looks like it does support degenerate dimensions... only it won't populate the drop-down after you've altered the table value within the dimension.



Looks like this is an issue specific to MSSQL JDBC. MySQL behaves just fine.

Post edited by: Tharkad, at: 2007/05/15 12:04

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I am used to Jasper Reports and have done fairly complex reports using the same. We want to try the Jasper Intelligence and build DWH solutions for our applications. How do I get access to the Work Bench - it does not appear to be a free download.


Can some one enlighten me on this?



With warm regards



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Hi Rams-

You can find the existing JA Workbench under the JasperServer 1.2.1 release on JasperForge; it's a free download for the community and works fine on top of JasperAnalysis 2.0.


We are in the process of building a 2.0 version of the workbench with some new features and bug fixes; this should be released in the next few weeks.




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  • 3 weeks later...

I. looking forward to trying it but cannot start ...

root@jbaird-laptop:/opt/schemaWorkbench# ./workbench.sh

bash: ./workbench.sh: /bin/sh^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory



Am I missing something?



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You have a windows-line-ending file on a linux machine .. therefore, the ^M (which is CR, carriage return) is treated as part of the first line, and the shell cannot be found.

Normally, this should not happen, when you are using the system's unpacker to unpack the installation files ...

tar xzf ... for tar.gz on linux, even unzip should work on linux.

As first try, you can run dos2unix on the shell scripts (*.sh), this might help, if there are no more shell scripts around ... otherwise, try the .tar.gz (if available).


Also, it is not a good idea to work as root unless administrating the system ... use a user account with reduced rights. Avoids destroying the system ...


Hope this helps,


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  • 10 months later...

Hi Sherman


Could pls let me know how to implement drill-down on jasper report as we have developed few ireports and published into the jasper sever 2.1. i have a few queirs on jasper analysis.

Because we haven’t implemented/worked on jasper analysis


1) What is the workbench tool?

2) Can we do the drill-down in jasper server 2.1?

3) Can jasper server 2.1 supports Jasper analysis? It will be integrated with the jasper server or we need to download it separately?

4) How to migrate jasper server 2.1 reports to jasper server pro 3.0. (Any separate tool for migration)


Thanks in advance




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  • 1 month later...

Hello Mahi,


Let me try answering your questions

Could pls let me know how to implement drill-down on jasper report as we have developed few ireports and published into the jasper sever 2.1.

-- User Hyperlink functionality to drill-down feature. it woks in JS Studio and JServer.

i have a few queirs on jasper analysis.
Because we haven’t implemented/worked on jasper analysis

1) What is the workbench tool? -- GUI Tool which allows you to easily design your OLAP schema/Cube.
2) Can we do the drill-down in jasper server 2.1? - Yes use Hyperlinks
4) How to migrate jasper server 2.1 reports to jasper server pro 3.0. (Any separate tool for migration)- May you can try import/export command for this.

Hope this helps,

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  • 6 months later...

This is the correct workbench.sh file.......try this one to run workbench on linux!!

#!/bin/sh# mondrian jarsCP="lib/commons-dbcp.jar:lib/commons-collections.jar:lib/commons-pool.jar"CP=$CP:"lib/eigenbase-properties.jar:lib/eigenbase-resgen.jar:lib/eigenbase-xom.jar"CP=$CP:"lib/javacup.jar:lib/log4j-1.2.12.jar:lib/mondrian.jar"CP=$CP:"lib/jlfgr-1_0.jar:lib/jmi.jar:lib/mof.jar:lib/commons-math-1.0.jar"CP=$CP:"lib/commons-vfs.jar:lib/commons-logging.jar"# Workbench GUI code and resourcesCP=$CP:"lib/workbench.jar"# local directory is ~/.schemaWorkbenchif test ! -d ~/.schemaWorkbench; thenmkdir ~/.schemaWorkbenchfi# copy mondrian.properties and log4j.xml if necessaryif test ! -e ~/.schemaWorkbench/mondrian.properties; thencp mondrian.properties ~/.schemaWorkbench/mondrian.propertiesfiif test ! -e ~/.schemaWorkbench/log4j.xml; thencp log4j.xml ~/.schemaWorkbench/log4j.xmlfiCP=$CP:~/.schemaWorkbench# or# set the log4j.properties system property# "-Dlog4j.properties=path to <.properties or .xml file>"# in the java command below to adjust workbench logging# add all needed JDBC drivers to the classpathfor i in `ls drivers/*.jar`; doCP=$CP:$idoneecho $CPjava -Xms100m -Xmx500m -cp "$CP" -Dlog4j.configuration=file:$HOME/.schemaWorkbench/log4j.xml mondrian.gui.WorkbenchReply With Quote
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