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Problem with JasperIntelligence PlugIn for IReport


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As far as I understnd, to get a full integration of IReport and JaserIntelligenceIU need to install the plugin "jasperintelligence-ireport-plugin-1.1.0.zip" for IReport.

I'm currently using the JasperIntelligence veriosn 1.1.0 and IReports version 1.3.

When I copy the "jasperintelligence-ireport-plugin-1.1.0.jar" and all the jar's from the JAR-directory to the IReport jar directory, I get the JasperServerPlugin on the PlugIn-menu, but nothing is happening, when I presse this option. When I minimize the IReport window the splash-screen hangs at the "loading PlugIns".

The command promt in IReports has the following output:


Error loading configuration file: C:Documents and Settingsloeffler.ireportrecentFiles.xml

iReport home (ireport.home system property): .

User home (user.home system property): C:Documents and Settingsloeffler.ireport

iReport standard Verzeichnis zum kompilieren: .

iReport user home directory (iReport compiles here if there are no settings or if iReport isnt comiling to the report directory): {0}

Checking? true


Is this version mix working? Do I have to compile some of the sources of Plugin?

Thanks for your help


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1. I have a Jave 1.4.2_03 installed on my machine. But in JasperIntelligence setup there is a Java 1.5.0_08-b03 installation included (on path: C:Program Filesjasperintelligence-1.1.0javabin). Is there a possibility to switch to this Java installation?


2. I do not find any plugin configuration file under (C:Documents and Settings/loeffler/.ireport/jasperserverplugin.xml)


Do you have any hints for this?

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- I installed a proper JAVA 1.5.0_09 right now. iReport is starting with the 1.5 Java version for shure now (checked in the system properties of iReport).


- Even now the jasperserverplugin.xml is not created.


Does someone has a idea, what is wrong on my machine?




PS: my iReport-stack looks like this:


Error loading configuration file: C:Documents and Settingsloeffler.ireportrecentFiles.xml

iReport home (ireport.home system property): .

User home (user.home system property): C:Documents and Settingsloeffler.ireport

iReport standard Verzeichnis zum kompilieren: .

iReport user home directory (iReport compiles here if there are no settings or if iReport isnt comiling to the report directory): {0}

Checking? true

Checking? true

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