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Aggregate Table on Parent/child Hierarchy


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I decided to use aggregate tables for our business project, because one of our P/C Hierarchy has a over 16000 rows and that seems to slow down the performance a lot. i know there is a short introduction in the usage of aggregate tables with a parent/child hierarchy, but this does not seems to work. No rows matched to the given query. My query first looked like this:


insert into aggkove_konten$closure
select k.mid, k.tid,kc.pid, k.ksid, k.marke, sum(k.Saldo) as Saldo
from konten_closure kc, kove k
where kc.pid = k.kid
and kc.cid <> kc.pid
group by k.mid,k.tid,kc.cid,kc.pid,k.ksid,k.marke

cid is the childid and pid the the parentid in the closure table. in the fact table (kove) kid is the key that links to my hierarchy


That returned the answer that no rows are mathing. Than i changed it to this:

insert into aggkove_konten$closure
select k.mid, k.tid,kc.pid, k.ksid, k.marke, sum(k.Saldo) as Saldo
from konten_closure kc, fibudaten k
where kc.cid = k.cid
and kc.cid <> kc.pid
group by k.mid,k.tid,kc,pid,k.ksid,k.marke


Now he calculates the values for each member in the parent/child hierarchy except the members on the lowest level. this is exactly the thing that i want, but how do i have to write this in my schema, so that the server nows that this is a precalculated table on a parent/child hierarchy?


hope it is clear what i want to do & need. maybe someone can help me?

Post edited by: jens_noering, at: 2006/10/24 13:21

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I have not used aggregation tables with parent/child closure dimensions. Currently, parent/child hierarchies are only for dimensions. See http://mondrian.pentaho.org/documentation/schema.php#Parent_child_hierarchies

for how to set up your schema. Have you done this?



i know there is a short introduction in the usage of aggregate tables with a parent/child hierarchy, but this does not seems to work.


What is the behavior you are seeing? When you run your MDX, what SQL queries are occurring?






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