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Blank page at the end


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I have a report with crosstab & pie chart in the summary band. Crosstab and pie chart are printing in a single page but a blank page is being appended.

Can any one know how to eliminate the blank page?

I am attaching the xml file for reference.

Any help in this will be appreciated.



Pramod [file name=PieChart.xml size=19380]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/PieChart.xml[/file]

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Hi Teodor,

Thanks for quick reply.

Crosstab and pie chart are priniting on the same page(page one), which is fine for me. But an empty page is being appended(page two) to the report, which I don't want. What I want is only the page with crosstab & pie chart(page one) but not the empty page(page two).


Thanks in advance for the help.



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OK, now I get it.

You used positionType="FixRelativeToTop" for your chart.

This means that you are sure the crosstab will never be big enough and stretch downwards and eventually go under the chart.


The additional white page comes from the fact that the summary section actually "overflows with empty space".

The space that you left under the crosstab and down to the bottom of the summary is going to preserved by the engine. Whenever you put white space in your bands, the engine things you need it, and preserves it.

It think in your case, you do not need it, so a solution would be to make the crosstab element taller.

The best would be to make it as tall as you think it would ever be, so that you minimize the empty space below the crosstab and everything should stay on one page.


But if the crosstab could be big enought to go under the chart, then this is a different story, for which your current layout is not prepared for. In such cases the chart should have positionType="Float" so that it gets pushed when the crosstab expands.


I hope this helps.


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I just read that post and remembered that I suggested a FeatureRequest some months ago that removes blank pages at the end of the filling engine where no visible elements are in any data bands (except pageheader/footer)


Teodor, all the JR guys and I (and now RamKumar also) know to avoid blank space between band-bottom and last element and the FixRelativeToTop attribute.... but in my opinion a method that removes such empty pages at the end would be better.


What do you think Teodor?


regards from foggy Germany


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Hello, they are new here.

It regards the created pagination of a report with iReport (that I am learning now), I want to know how can to make a breakPage, or how can to make to release “Breach of page†at the change of the group?

As an example:

I have a list of names with data salaries of the hours worked for every one of they (every one is a group), when it changes to the group (group1 is:“the last nameâ€; group2 is: “nameâ€), I would want to leave with one new page, but from days I do not succeed to obtain it.


Thanks thousands anticipatamente for the answer.


Salutes from Italy




Excuse my insufficient English, but I write from Italy






Ciao, sono nuova qui. Riguarda l'impaginazione di un report creato con iReport (che sto imparando adesso), vorrei sapere come si fa a fare un breakPage, o come si fa a far scattare "Rottura di pagina" al cambio del gruppo? Per esempio: ho una lista di nomi con dati mensili delle ore lavorate per ogni uno di loro (ogniuno è un gruppo), quando cambia il gruppo (gruppo1: "cognome" ; e gruppo2 il "nome", per il caso in cui ci fossero doppi cognomi), vorrei partire con una nuova pagina, ma da giorni non riesco ad ottenerlo. Grazie mille anticipatamente per la risposta.


Scusate il mio scarso inglese, scrivo da Italia.


Saluti da Italia Rossy

Post edited by: rugiadina, at: 2006/10/13 16:30

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Thanks for you reply!

Monday in office I will see where it is the attribute of Group “StartNewPageâ€. I have tried it over a long time span but I have not found it. :(








Grazie per la tua risposta!

Lunedì in ufficio vedrò dove sta l'attributo di Gruppo "StartNewPage". L'ho cercato a lungo ma non l'ho trovato... :(




Post edited by: rugiadina, at: 2006/10/14 19:57

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Hi Teodor,

I agree with C-Box on adding a method to remove empty page at the end of the report.

I have several reports with blank page at the end. By making crosstab taller, I am able remove blank page only from the reports whose crosstab consists of 5 rows. My crosstab has 30 columns and is printing in 3 parts(Each part with 10 columns). If the no. of rows exceeeds 5, a balnk page is being appended even though the crosstab element is tall.

Teodor, do you have any idea to remove blank pages from those reports?




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If I remember correctly, C-Box had this "blank page at the end problem" because the JR engine did not ignore empty-zero-height summary bands at the time, and the problem appear on multi-comlumn reports.


I'm not sure we are going to introduce a feature to remove empty pages at the end, because it would be like a tool to help you get the water out of your house instead of fixing the hole in the roof.




Post edited by: teodord, at: 2006/10/18 11:11

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you remember right and your comparison with the hole in the roof is great.:laugh:


But just today I had trouble again with one Customer where I had again a blank page at the end. (BTW: we just upgraded to 1.2.7 last week) He changed my template to his needs and the result was often an additonal page without content (but footer/header)


I had to change two things again in the JRXML to get rid of that empty last page.


1.) I redefined all the SubReports from height 17 to just one pixel (some of them had no records and should be ignored) and changed also the (dummy)groupfooterband from 17 pixel to 1.... the engine seems to reserve that (not used space sometimes?!?!?!)


This is quite tricky in iReport to get the element selected for changes (much zoom or document-structure-panel)


2.) I removed all the empty spaces between the last TextField and the bottom of the band. (he wanted some distance between the detail records)


so I solved the problem but in my opinion I see no reason to reserve empty space if nothing follows (I assume that the engine still moves that space forewards)!??!?


So a 100% good design prevents for such "errors" but a end user (Non-Programmer) that just want some space between detail-records must know not to put the distance at the end but at the begin of the band.


So I think, we must find the hole (perhaps my points helps) or we must find an umbrella to place over the whole roof! (just kidding)


As it's almost just the last page where such things happen, this is why I suggested such a (in my eyes) simple "RemoveEmptyPagesAtTheEnd" method at the end of filling-process.


regards from Germany + hoping for some response (again)


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