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String Tokenizer


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I am using a custom data source and using a field named "person". This field containing firstname, lastname, phone etc.. as string and each values separated by ";".


My own datasource class containing getFildValue() returns a person's value as a string correctly.


The question:

How can I tokenize the person's string value to retrieve all separate data. (firstname, lastname, phone etc.. )


Thanks for your reply


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An idea could be to write a java class (i.e. MyUtilities) with a static method (i.e. getToken()) working as follows:


getToken( String str, int tokenNum)


then you can use this class in your expressions:


MyUtilities.getToken($P{PersonField}, 1)


(this expression will take the first token from your person string).



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Thanks for your prompt reply.

I do as you mentioned in your reply. But when I compiling with iReport there is no error and when run my application there is an error message as follows:


Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file:

Tools cannot be resolved

value = (java.lang.String)(Tools.getName());


The method implemented in my Tools.class is:

public static final String getName ()


return "raphy" ;



Thanks for your help.


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I have my tools class as follows:



public class Tools


public static final String Name = "Raphy" ;


public static final String getName ()


return Name ;




public class Tools
public static final String Name = "Raphy" ;

public static final String getName ()
return Name ;


When I set the textfield expression for the textfield as "Tools.Name" and executing the report gave me the results "Raphy". This is correct.


But when I set the textfield expression for the same textfield as "Tools.getName()" and when executing the report I got the error message as follows:



The tools class and the report are in the same directory & and classpath set correctly.


Please help me

Best regards


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I have my tools class as follows:



public class Tools


public static final String Name = "Raphy" ;


public static final String getName ()


return Name ;




public class Tools
public static final String Name = "Raphy" ;

public static final String getName ()
return Name ;


When I set the textfield expression for the textfield as "Tools.Name" and executing the report gave me the results "Raphy". This is correct.


But when I set the textfield expression for the same textfield as "Tools.getName()" and when executing the report I got the error message as follows:



The tools class and the report are in the same directory & and classpath set correctly.


Please help me

Best regards


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