The first step of installing the Scalable Query Engine is to configure and build the Docker images of the worker pods.
In the git project, jaspersoft-containers/Docker/scalableQueryEngine/ contains the following files and folders:
File or Folder | Description |
Dockerfile | The main installation script for the Scalable Query Engine. |
.env | Environment variables for building the Docker images, see the next section. |
Dockerfile.drivers | Script that copies the supported JDBC Drivers from JasperReports Server to the Scalable Query Engine. |
docker-compose.yaml | Compose file to orchestrate the Scalable Query Engine, its drivers, and the redis services. |
scripts | Folder containing scripts for the Scalable Query Engine. |
resources/drivers | Folder created by scripts with a copy of the JDBC drivers. |
resources/keystore | Folder where you place a copy of the JasperReports Server keystore. |
resources/properties | Folder containing properties files for the Scalable Query Engine. |
Configuring the Docker Images
Before building the Docker images, edit the .env file to specify the following properties:
Property | Description |
JASPERREPORTS_SERVER_ | JasperReports Server release version (must be 8.0.0 or higher). |
SCALABLE_QUERY_ENGINE_ | Name for the Docker image, scalable-query-engine by default. |
SCALABLE_QUERY_ENGINE_ | Name for the JDBC drivers Docker image, scalable-adhoc-drivers by default. |
SCALABLE_QUERY_ENGINE_DRIVER_IMAGE_TAG | Docker tag for the Scalable Query Engine image, 8.0.0 by default. |
SCALABLE_QUERY_ENGINE_IMAGE_TAG | Docker tag for the Scalable Query Engine Drivers image, 8.0.0 by default. |
JDK_BASE_IMAGE | Docker image certified for the version of JasperReports Server being deployed, either openjdk:11-jdk for Debian or amazoncorretto:11 for Amazon Linux 2. |
ks | Path to the server's .jrsks keystore file, usually /etc/secrets/keystore. |
ksp | Path to the server's .jrsksp keystore properties file, usually /etc/secrets/keystore. |
RELEASE_DATE | Release date of the JasperReports Server version, for example Nov 14, 2021 when using 8.0.0. |
Building the Docker Images
The recommended way to build the Docker images for the Scalable Query Engine is to use docker-compose command as follows:
If there is an error such as "requested access to the resource is denied," then run the following commands:
Alternatively, you can also build the Docker images with the following commands:
Deploying with Docker Alone (Optional)
If you want to install the Ad Hoc worker with Docker alone, the deployment is simpler, but you do not have the advantages of a cluster managed through Kubernetes. If you want to deploy with Kubernetes and Helm charts, skip this section and go to Deploying with Kubernetes.
Edit the file docker/ to make any necessary configuration. In particular, any JNDI data source to be used in Ad Hoc views and reports needs to be configured in this properties file.
1. | Copy your server's keystore and keystore properties files to <js-install>/jaspersoft-containers/Docker/scalableQueryEngine/resources/keystore. The keystore files must be same that JasperReports Server used when creating its repository database. |
2. | Navigate to the <js-install> directory and run the following command: |
You can check that the worker is running at:
3. | Configure your JasperReports Server instance as descirbed in Configuring JasperReports Server, then restart your server. |
Once your server and query engine are running, you can test a dashboard that contains an Ad Hoc view. After it runs, you can check the worker logs with the following command on the server:
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