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Query Designer


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Hi Hani,

in iReport we use an open source project called SQLeonaro as query designer. It is not very powerful, but good enough for what we need.

On the Eclipse platform there are several projects which provide database management solutions, but not really a visual query designer. This is one of the projects on which we would appreciate a lot a a contribution from the community.

We have not yet clear plans about replacing SQLeonardo on Jaspersoft Studio, and proposal are more than welcome.

Just in case, would you able to contrinute a similar tool based on SWT?

Thanks a lot!


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   Actualy I'm a student and I'm studying JasperSoft Studio. Plugin Development under Eclipse is new for me, but It will be a good idea if it's possible with some practice to contribute to such a project !

Thank you !

Best regards,
Hani Chalouati

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After some research and tests, I've been able to integrate the Data Tools Platform Query Builder. Yet it's just for testing purpose and many work need to be done.

I'm just asking if it's interessant to take advantage of the DTP QueryBuilder and integrate it completly on JasperSoft Studio, if so, I will continue my work on it :).



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Hi Hani,


this is definitively the way to go. We don't only would like to use the query designer provided by the DTP plugin, but even provide a way (a DataAdapter implementation) to use DTP data sources with reports.

Would you able to share your code? I see you have added a button to the old datasource of Jaspersoft Studio, the datasource configuration is changed, now we have a set of (pluggable) DataAdapters.

The designer (the "Design Query" button if you will) will be added inside the query dialog which we are working on this week.

Thanks a lot!


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   I was working with DTP QueryBuilder for testing purposes so I didn't spend much time on it after I succeded to open the QueryBuilder from the button on JDBCDatasourcePage class(the code is attached).

   The class I used form the DTP QueryDialog is attached( I've used the DTP QueryBuilder exemples).

   I was not able at that time to get programatically the datasource that I've created manually with DTP so I've used an XMLMemento string to provide the input of the QueryBuilder and it works fine, nexte step is getting form the Dialog the queryString and add it to the designer.

   I think since you are going to use DTP with JS Studio and with the last updates of the JS Studio project, I can retry to work on this and try to make it more flexible and usable.

   I was also working on a QueryBuilder for JPQL queries and JPA 2, but it is not finished yet.

Best regards, Hani

Button builderButton = new Button(c, SWT.PUSH);		builderButton.setText("Query Builder");		builderButton.addSelectionListener(new SelectionListener() {			public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {					String sMemento = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"						+ "<SQLQueryBuilder editorInputType=\"SQLBuilderStorageEditorInput\""						+ " name=\"test.sql\" version=\"1.0\">" + "<SQLStatement></SQLStatement>" + "<connInfo>MySQL_5.1.0:"						+ "New MySQL" + ":database:</connInfo>" + "<omitSchemaInfo>false:true:</omitSchemaInfo>"						+ "</SQLQueryBuilder>";				SQLBuilderStorageEditorInput storageEditorInput = SQLBuilderEditorInputUtil						.createSQLBuilderStorageEditorInput(sMemento);				BuilderDialog sqlBuilderDialog = new BuilderDialog(Display.getCurrent().getActiveShell());				if (!sqlBuilderDialog.setInput(storageEditorInput)) {					return;				} else {					sqlBuilderDialog.create();					sqlBuilderDialog.setBlockOnOpen(true);					sqlBuilderDialog.open();				}							}			public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e) {			}		});
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   I have developed an Alpha version of a plugin that implements a new DataAdapter that supports DTP Datasources. It's a new plugin that consumes the "dataAdapters" extension point you have developped( you have really made a great job :) ).

   You can see the snapshots that I've made, it details everythink, for now, it supports all "java.sql.Connection" types that can be provided by IManagedConnection provide by DTP Connectivity framework and the preview mode woks with these type of connections. The Test fundtion works with any ODA DataSource.

I hope getting some feedbacks so I can continue working on this plugin:

Project Home Page: http://sourceforge.net/p/jssdtpadapter/home/

Source code: http://sourceforge.net/p/jssdtpadapter/code/2/tree/

I will write a post on my blog ( https://hanichalouati.wordpress.com/ ) about how to create this plugin.


Best regards, Hani


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