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Teodor Danciu

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Everything posted by Teodor Danciu

  1. Hi, For debugging purposes, you could use the JRXmlWriter to generate the JRXML version of your dynamically built report templates. If you post them here, maybe we could see what the problem is. I hope this helps. Teodor
  2. Hi, Can you post this as a patch in the patches area, so that we can track it better and eventually include it in the main version? Thank you, Teodor
  3. Hi, Are talking about JasperReports library (jar) or about the JasperIntelligence server side application? If it is about JasperIntelligence, please post on its dedicated forum here: http://www.jasperforge.org/index.php?option=com_joomlaboard&Itemid=215&func=showcat&catid=10 Thank you, Teodor
  4. Hi, Why can't this be a small subreport with columnCount="3"? I hope this helps. Teodor
  5. Hi, The OccupationalGroupFooter is a huge band. I has a height of 558 pixels. If the space remaining on the current page is less than 558 pixels tall, the engine will try to render the band on a new page. This is why you see that white space, because you have very large bands that would hardly fit in the remaining space on the page. You should follow this FAQ here: http://jasperforge.org/sf/wiki/do/viewPage/projects.jasperreports/wiki/FAQ8 to split bands into smaller pieces. I hope this helps. Teodor
  6. Hi, This looks more like something that has to do with the JDBC driver and the database you are connecting to, not with JR in particular. You should do some JDBC testing aside and see what are the names of the columns in the ResultSet when you execute such a query. I hope this helps. Teodor
  7. Hi, Have you set positionType="Float" for those subreports? Also, it would be a good solution to have each subreport in its own band using the group header section of some dummy groups that break with every detail record in the master. I hope this helps. Teodor
  8. Hi, Variables cannot be used inside the query because it does not make any sense. They are probably not even initialized by the time the query is evaluated and executed at the beginning of the report filling process. What you need is to use the <defaultValueExpression> of a dummy report parameter that combines other parameters as you wish. Make sure you do not supply a value for this parameter so that the default value expression kicks off. I hope this helps. Teodor
  9. Hi, What version of JasperReports are you using? Could you post some files here in the form of a sample that would help us to reproduce the problem? Thank you, Teodor
  10. Hi, We now track this issue here: http://jasperforge.org/sf/go/artf1542?nav=1 Thank you, Teodor
  11. Hi, JasperReports has the JRGraphics2D exporter that should be enough to export to TIFF format using an image specialized library such as JAI. I hope this helps. Teodor
  12. Hi, I don't think there is anything we can do about it. We draw the chart on a limited area defined by the element in JRXML. Charts have to fit inside there. Thank you, Teodor
  13. Hi, JasperIntelligence Open Source is compatible with J2EE 1.4 specifications which rely on Servlet 2.4 and JSP 2.0 specifications. Please post further questions about JasperIntelligence on this dedicated forum here: http://www.jasperforge.org/index.php?option=com_joomlaboard&Itemid=215&func=showcat&catid=10 I hope this helps. Teodor
  14. Hi, This is usually the result of some font mismatch problem. Make sure that the fontName and pdfFontName point to the same font file, with the same font metrics. The most probably cause of font problems is that you designed your report on a machine where the fontName existed and was installed properly and then you deploy the report on a server machine that does not have those fonts and some other default font with different font metrics is used at report fill time. I hope this helps, Teodor
  15. Hi, I think you can make the scriptlet instance put itself into some sort of holder that you pass as a parameter to the report. This holder could be a Collection with a single value inside. I hope this helps. Teodor
  16. Hi, Where did you placed the chart? What evaluationTime have you used for it? Could you post the JRXML here? You could recheck the supplied examples in the /demo/samples/charts folder of our project distribution. I hope this helps. Teodor
  17. Hi, I'm not sure I fully understand what you try to achieve. Are you trying to pass group totals to subreports placed in the detail? It would be helpful if you could attach here JRXML files generated using JRXmlWriter from in-memory JasperReport objects. Thank you, Teodor
  18. Hi, I'm not sure about what alignment problems in RTF you are talking about. Seeing some generated files would help understand. You can attach them here in a ZIP. Thank you, Teodor
  19. Hi, The use of threads for subreport filling can be turned off by setting a system property. Check the jasperreports.properties inside the /demo/samples/subreport sample shipped with our project source files to see the needed config line. If you set that system property as shown, JR will use JavaFlow Continuations instead of multi-threading and maybe your problem would go away. I hope this helps. Teodor
  20. Hi, You would have to use the $P!{paramName} syntax, because in this case you are actually modifying the query and those are not normal PreparedStatement parameter place-holders. SELECT * FROM table WHERE column IN {nn, nn, nn} would become SELECT * FROM table WHERE column IN {$P!{paramName}} where paramName=nn, nn, nn I hope this helps. Teodor
  21. Hi, The solution you got is not good. Why would somebody want the JRViewer be launched on the server machine???!!!! This issue appears quite often on the forums, but it would just be a shame to make it an FAQ... :-( Please take a look at our supplied /demo/samples/webapp application and you'll see how report output could be delivere to the browser in various ways: HTML, PDF and even applet. I hope this helps. Teodor
  22. Hi, Do you, by any chance, have the option isPrintOnDetailOverflow="true" for that subreport? I hope this helps. Teodor
  23. Hi, You can write your own XML exporter. I hope this helps. Teodor
  24. Hi, How much memory do you allow the JVM to use? It might be that if not enough memory is available, a lot of time is spent garbage collecting things to free up memory. I hope this helps. Teodor
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