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Teodor Danciu

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Posts posted by Teodor Danciu

  1. Hi,


    I'm afraid there is little we can do about this as we fully rely on Batik to render the SVG for us. We are using the latest Batik available (1.7), so there is nothing to upgrade to at this moment.

    Also, the problem seems to be related to SVG 1.2 specs, which I think failed to become standard as explained here:


    So I guess the only solution is to try alter the SVG using your editing tool and produce a Batik acceptable format.





  2. Hi,

    If you use a static text element, you don't need to use the quotes and you need to type-in the unicode character without escaped sequence. You could obtain the character from a Character Map application that is found among accessories on most operatin systems.

    But I suggest you actually use a text field element instead of a static text, because text fields have expressions and there you could escape your character like this:


    Note that I used quotes because my expression is of type String and I type in a hardcoded Java string expression with the unicode characted escaped inside.

    Check the /demo/samples/unicode sample shipped with JR:



    I also encourage you to download the recently released JR 5.5.0, because it introduces support for Web Fonts. Basically, when you make your font extension, you could provide EOT, WOFF and SVG files, in addition to the TTF and thus your fonts could be delivered to the browser and would not have to be installed in advance on the client machines.

    JR 5.5.0 comes with a built-in web font extension for the sort and filter icons of the interactive tables and crosstabs and is found in the net.sf.jasperreports.fonts package.

    I hope this helps.


  3. Hi,

    No, unfortunately, there is no way to put a scrollable area inside a report today.

    We might do such thing at some point, but it would probably be for HTML output. Having it work the same way across all the export formats we support in JR would be very challenging. Not sure if such thing is possible in PDF format. Have not checked yet.

    We could consider this as a feature request if you log it on the trackers section of this website and give enough details about how you expect it to work.





  4. Hi,

    It all depends on what you actually want to do with the total number of pages. You can get that value only inside text field expression, because in JR, this is a feature of text field elements.

    We call this "late fill" capability and is controlled using the evaluationTime property of text field elements.

    So if you want to leverage the total number of pages to conditionally display some values in page footer, that should be OK.

    But if you want to use it in variables calculations and things that have the potential of changing the total page number itself, that is not possible.


    Imagine you use the total number of pages to display or not a subreport. Well, if that would be possible (is not) it means the the appearence of the subreport could affect the already calculated page total, which does not make sense.


    II hope this helps.


  5. Hi,


    I'm afraid there is no easy solution for this, if any.

    This is how the engine works by design.

    We need to calculate/increment the variables before we try to render the band, because some of the variables might even appear in the current band and ned to reflect the current values. By the time we see the band will stecth and overflow onto a new page it is too late to revert the variables back. It would be too complicated.

    Some tricks can be made using dummy text fields with evaluationTime=Band that would call some utility methods in their expression just to mark the fact that the band has been rendered entierly and thus capture the true record count of the page. But I have not tried it myself and would take some time to put it together as an example.




  6. Hi,


    Instead of using two text fields, one with evaluationTime=Now and the other with evaluationTime=Report, you could use only one text field with evaluationTime=Auto.

    In order for this to work, you need to use in your expression two variables that have different resetType levels.

    The build-in PAGE_NUMBER variable is good for the total number of pages. But for the current page number, you need a custom made variable, let's call it CRT_PAGE_NUMBER, which has calculation=Nothing and resetType=Page, which copies the value of the PAGE_NUMBER variable in its expression.

    I hope this helps.


  7. I still don't understand what exactly prevents you from using the same resource bundle file for all your reports by poiting to the same resource bundle using the resourceBundle property of the report template. Please give more details about what exactly you want to reuse across all your reports because I simply don't get it from the two rows of text you've provided so far.
  8. Hi,

    Just to point out that latest JR Library releases introduce support for functions. If you put in the classpath, the JR produced by the /demo/samples/functions sample in the JR project distro, you could use an expression such as:


    More details about built-in functions and the way you could create your own custom functions for JR, can be found here:http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/sample.reference/functions/index.html#functions


    I hope this helps.

  9. Hi,


    I would first try to understand why the export is taking so long, or whether most of the time is spent in filling the report, not exporting.

    Are you using the DOCX exporter of JR Library?

    Do you give enough memory to your application? In case you don't have sufficient memory, a lot of time is spent by the JVM garbage collecting things to free up space.

    What version of our products are you using?


    Thank you,



  10. Hi,

    Can you give more details about what you want to achieve? Do you mean you have a parameter that exists in all your reports and you want it to have a default value coming from a resource bundle?

    Are you looking for a way to ensure all reports have a parameter already pre-defined in them?




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