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Teodor Danciu

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Everything posted by Teodor Danciu

  1. Hi, How can anybody tell you what's wrong without any error message or file to see? Thanks, Teodor
  2. Hi, You could build or modify the report template dynamically using the API, just like shown in the /demo/samples/noxmldesign sample that comes with the project distribution. If you do that, you would also need to compile it on-the-fly after building or modifyinf the JasperDesign object. I hope this helps. Teodor
  3. Hi, I suspect that when deployed as a JSP, you are probably running on a different machine that does not offer the same environment. Maybe the fonts you are using in the report template do not exist on that server machine and probably a bigger font is used and the text for total page number would not fit into the declared text height. Try making the text field taller (increase height). If this is exactly what happens, then you need to do something about the missing fonts. I hope this helps. Teodor
  4. Hi, again This is the same issue as the one here: http://www.jasperforge.org/index.php?option=com_joomlaboard&Itemid=215&func=view&id=471&catid=8 What's been said there, would apply here as well. Thank you, Teodor
  5. Hi, You would not have such hard times with copying exe files and temp files and all if you would somehow find out why the JDT-jar is not found in the classpath of the process you are running from NetBeans. I'm not an expert in NetBeans, but there must be an easy way to add third-party JARs to projects. Note that the JDT compiler does not work with temp files on disk and is up to 10 times faster than the JDK one. I hope this helps. Teodor
  6. Hi, I guess we could do something about it, but it would require some work. We could have a built-in parameter to signal the rendering engine that it should ignore the page width, just like we have the IS_IGNORE_PAGINATION for ignoring page height. Then, the HTML exporter should also have a similar parameter so that it ignores page width and renders all the elements on a page, even if they go beyond the right margin. If you think you need this, you could post a request for enhancement and we'll see when we'll be able to take care of it given our current priorities. Or, you could even try to come up with a patch. I hope this helps. Teodor
  7. Hi, Yes, the default JR incrementer does not know what Sum means for Strings. You have to teach it with a custom incrementer. To see how to implement incrementers, you could take a look at those found in JR itself. I hope this helps. Teodor
  8. Hi, It is not possible to ignore margins for subreports. But maybe you could put the subreport into a dummy master report with only margins even when ran "independently". Other possibility would be to rely on the OFFSET_X and OFFSET_Y parameters when exporting, to simulate margins for reports that do not have margins in the template. I hope this helps. Teodor
  9. Hi, Passing the same data source to the subreport is not a good idea. I'm not sure this is what you need to do. Using subreports means you have some hierarchy in the data... something like parent-child tables in a relational database. The subreport should get its own data source instance, maybe reading from some other CVS file... Hard to say without more details. I hope this helps. Teodor
  10. Hi, This is a report template layout problem. It occurs only with large datasets simply because in large documents there's a bigger chance for that subreport page header to overflow at some point, depending on how the various subreports chain up. But it could occur with small datasets too. Is just about anticipating it during the report design phase. What the error message says is that you probably have a large page header in one of your templates or that page header stretches. And when it does, it overflows onto the next page and there, it has to print again (it is the page header right?). So it overflows again... and again and again and again... There is nothing the egine can do. Just note that page header are not usually meant to strech and especially not designed to overflow. You just have to reconsider your report layout. I hope this helps. Teodor
  11. Hi, You should not reference the variable inside its own expression. The variable expression is called with every row in order to make group break estimations. What you need is to implement a variable incrementer (JRIncrementer and JRIncrementerFactory interfaces) and associate it to your variable using the incrementerFactoryClass attribute. Or, you could use a scriptlet to increment the variable. Basically it is about teaching the JR engine to sum up String values. You'll probably use calculation="Sum" for your variable with custom incrementer, instead of "Nothing". Our /demo/samples/scriptlet sample shows a similar String concatenation. I hope this helps. Teodor
  12. Hi, The exception you posted comes from the fact that you are trying to compile a report template. By default, the engine tries to use the JDT-based compiler. If it does not find it in the classpath, then it tries to locate JDK-based compilers in the classpath. For this to succeed, you would have to have the tools.jar from JDK in the classpath. Apparently this too fails and then the engine tries to launch javac.exe from command line, but probably you don't have it in the path and this is why all eventually fails with the stack trace you see. I don't know much about JApplets, but it is something that has to do with the classpath. I hope this helps. Teodor
  13. Hi, JasperReports does not perform any sorting on the data it receives. Sorting the data is the responsability of the data source supplier. If you have an SQL query in the report template, you should use the ORDER BY clause to sort your data. I hope this helps. Teodor
  14. Hi, Put the jdt-compiler.jar in the classpath. You can find it in the /lib directory of our distribution package. I hope this helps. Teodor
  15. Hi, It would be helpful if you could attach some files to this thread, indicating which is rendered correctly and which is not. Also, having the JRXML would help, because I'm not sure if there are not any issues with the way Hebrew is encrypted on this forums. Thank you, Teodor
  16. Hi, You could attach some PDFs to this thread to show the layout problems. Thank you, Teodor
  17. Hi, Do you have the Jakarta Commons Javaflow JAR in the classpath? Since JR 1.2.2 this library is among the requirements when running JasperReports. You can find the JAR in the /lib directory of the project distribution. I hope this helps. Teodor
  18. Hi, You could put each subreport in its own band by using the group header sections of 20 dummy groups that break with every record and have minHeightToStartNewPage big enough so that the each group always starts on a new page. I hope this helps. Teodor
  19. Hi, Have you placed the crosstab in the footer section of your dummy groups that breaks only once per report? If you did that, then the page header and page footer of the report should be present on the crosstab pages. I hope this helps. Teodor
  20. Hi, The exception message should tell you what is wrong with the JRXML. Maybe you do not catch the exception properly in your program and lose that information from the stack trace. Also, this is only a portion of the JRXML and only complete JRXML files could be successfully parsed and compiled. I hope this helps. Teodor
  21. Hi, You could use either the isStartNewPage flag of the report group or the minHeightToStartNewPage property which you could set to a high value. I hope this helps. Teodor
  22. Hi, The pattern property of a text field in JR can be used to put DecimalFormat patterns as specified in the JDK documentation. But you could have the text field display String values that you format yourself using a special formatter that you can pass as a report parameter and then use in all text field expressions that need it. I hope this helps. Teodor
  23. Hi, JasperReports relies on the Jakarta Commons Logging API to channel the logging information. You could configure it through properties files so that all debug information comming from the "net.sf.jasperreports" channel makes it into the logs. However, JR is not very verbose and I'm afraid that debug information you are looking for will not be available in the logs. But you could use a debugger if you want to, probably with better results. It would be interesting to know what are you trying to find out? What exactly does not work in your case? Thank you, Teodor
  24. Hi, I think you should probably introduce a new group by Order and put the table ending line in that particular group footer. Also, I think that such layout problems are best solved with subreports. You could have the oder lines in a separate template and instruct the left hand side text field that displays the order number to strech and adapt its height to the number of order lines (subreport on the right). There will be several other layout issues that you might encouter, but all they have solutions. Is just that you need to try different things and when you'll feel confortable enough with what the JasperReports engine can do, all these solutions would seem to be always at hand. I hope this helps. Teodor P.S. For instance, frames might also help in such cases. Post edited by: teodord, at: 2006/07/28 11:35
  25. Hi, You could, but this is not something we recommend as it would probably not work as expected. When you modify a property of a report element during filling, it would probably be reflected onto the already generated document and not only from that point forward. So if you change the color of an element, it will change for all the resulting document elements and not only from the moment of the change onward. I hope this helps. Teodor
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