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Posts posted by kkelleher

  1. On a report-by-report and input-control-by-input-control basis, you can set them to be hidden by clearing the check from the Visible check box on the Report Wizard - Input Control page displayed when adding/editing a report's input control. To suppress them across the board, you could probably customize the default JSP for the report-running page, but I'm no JSP expert.


    Hope this helps,



  2. The documentation you are most likely looking for would be the new info around organizations, roles, and users; you'll find that in the JasperServer Professional Administrator Guide. Take a look at the relevant sections of chapters 1, 2, and 3.


    Hope this helps,



    Post Edited by Kristen Kelleher at 04/07/09 18:45
  3. To utilize an existing JDBC connection defined in your app server, create a JNDI data source in JasperServer that points to it. Click the Add Resource icon in the Manage>Repository view, and select Data Source. Select JNDI in the list of options.


    Hiope this helps,



    Post Edited by Kristen Kelleher at 04/08/09 19:00
  4. A better apprqoach might be to put the image in the correct location in the file system (for example, C:\Program Files\jasperserver-pro-3.5\apache-tomcatwebapps\jasperserver-pro), then create a Custom URL pane that calls the file. For example:




    Hope this helps,



    Post Edited by Kristen Kelleher at 04/02/09 23:05
  5. frankslin,


    JasperAnalysis runs seamlessly on JasperServer, and adds support for the creation of analysis views. When compared to JPivot + Mondrian, JasperAnalysis offers an improved UI and integration with the reports you store in the JasperServer repository (put another way, I can write a report that passes MDX to an analysis view to create a drill through link from a JRXML to an analysis view).


    Hope this help,



  6. If I understand your question, you need to click Drill Through on the tool bar (its icon has a green arrow pointng downward), then click a value in the navigation table; JasperServer displays the transaction-level detail in a drill through table beneath the navigation table. An example is shown on page 20 of the user guide.



  7. I'm afraid there isn't enough information in tyhis post for us to answer. Also, this doesn't seem to be a question about the defimnitive or ultimate guide content; please repost this in one of the other forums - JasperServer or perhaps iReport.



  8. Clhubert,


    Thanks for your input! So far, we've tried to avoid repeating freely available information in the ultimate guides, mostly because it might cause confusion.


    We've just adopted a new documentation strategy that we hope will let us be a bit more flexible about where each feature is documented - stay tuned!


    Thanks again,



    Post edited by: kkelleher, at: 2008/05/14 01:30

  9. We're hoping to help the readers of our definitive guides and ultimate guides who have questions, comments, or suggestions.


    When you post, please include a few helpful details:

    - The name of the document you're referencing.

    - The version number on the front cover of the document.

    - Any relevant page number.


    For example:

    - JasperServer Ultimate Guide

    - Version 2.1

    - Page: 121

    - Please link index entries to the page numbers referenced.


    (We're working on linked indexes for the 3.0 versions, so stay tuned!)






    Post edited by: kkelleher, at: 2008/03/19 22:48

    Post edited by: kkelleher, at: 2008/04/10 20:46

  10. In the WEB-INFjsp folder, there are two JSPs for the login page:

    • login_welcome.jsp is the new one (with links to JasperSoft's website)

    login.jsp is the older version of the Login page.[/ul] Simply renaming the files (so that the older version is now named login_welcome.jsp) should do the trick.





  11. Hi Sid,


    This seems to be a timeout issue - your session is being ended before the report completes.


    You have a couple options:


    - Schedule the report instead of running it directly. When the report completes, JasperServer can send you an email.


    - Change the session timeout.





  12. Purely conjecture, but this could be a simple case of not having assigned sufficient object-level permissions to the user running the job.


    Check the object-level permissions on the report itself and those on the parent folder. Also check that the user has roles that are granted the right permissions for this report.





  13. I've got a report that does this. Essentially, you'd create a style that specifies the color for cells whose value is less than 0, and create a conditional expression (by clicking Add under the Style conditions list on the Add/Modify style window.


    Here's my expression (it turns a cell red when the cell's value is less than 500):

    $V{OpportunityLineItem1_UnitPrice_Sum}.doubleValue() < 500.0 ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE

    I do believe that's it, but I didn't create my report in iReport, so there may be something else you'd need to do.





  14. Hi,


    Put simply, the Professional edition includes more functionality (such as ad hoc reporting and the ability to save analysis views), and is certified on more platforms than the Open Source edition. For more details, please refer to the Why Choose Professional section of this fact sheet:



    As to your question about Ad Hoc reporting, it's only offered in JasperSoft's Professional edition. It provides end users with an easy-to-use, drag and drop, web based report designer.





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