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  1. Hi Tino-Ferreira, Are you still encountering this issue? Could you please specify the repository database you're using? From the logs, it appears that the system is flagging that the file \js-jrs_9.0.0_bin\jasperreports-server-pro-9.0.0-bin\buildomatic\build_conf\default\webapp\WEB-INF/js.quartz.properties is inaccessible. Please verify whether the user running the buildomatic js-install command has the necessary permissions to access this folder. Please go through the Dr. Jaspersoft YouTube session on deploying a war installation : Please let me know if this fixes the issue.
  2. Hi Yazil Santoyo, I am attaching a sample jrxml which will aggregate the sum of financial values in a separate column as shown below. I hope this will fix your issue. Else please share your sample jrxml here for more analysis. report_Vertical_total.jrxml
  3. Hi Scene, This can be achieved by using the expression : DAYS($F{testdate},NOW( )) Please see the attached jrxml file and screenshot. DateIssue.jrxml
  4. Hi dschafer, This issue appears to be linked to the roles and permissions assigned to your non-admin users. Are these non-admin users classified as external users? 1. Verify whether the reports can be executed by admin users. If they can, it confirms that there are no issues with the JRXML reports. 2. Determine if all non-admin users are encountering this problem or if only some are affected. Compare the roles of users who can run the reports with those experiencing the issues to identify any differences. 3. Is there an SSO mechanism (OIDC, SAML, Preauth, LDAP) in place that Jasperserver uses for user login? If so, please verify with the IDP to ensure that there are no issues with the roles assigned to non-admin users. When a user logs in through SSO, their roles are synchronized from the IDP to Jaspersoft. Please check the above points. If this doesn't solve the problem, please attach the full stack trace of the logs which will help us to analyze further. Thanks Prasanth
  5. Hi Ahmed, Could you please share the jrxml file as well? Also, I would recommend to go through the below Dr. jaspersoft session.
  6. Hi Nitish, Instead of '', can you please try with null and see if this makes a difference? Also, try the below format to skip the null condition check. ( D.inventoryRegistrationTime = $P{start_Time_From} OR $P{start_Time_From} IS NULL )
  7. Hi DireConseq, You could download the Jaspersoft Studio and open the jrxml file. Using this, you can check/analyse the queries and input controls associated with a report/jrxml. Please see the below screenshot.
  8. To create JRIO At Scale and monitor the pods, several commands need to be executed. Refer to the official documentation for detailed installation steps: https://docs.tibco.com/pub/js-jrio-at-scale/4.0.0/doc/pdf/js-jrio-at-scale_4.0.0_user-guide.pdf The dashboard-adminuser.yaml and dashboard-adminuser-clusterrolebinding.yaml files are attached. Please modify them according to your needs. For the installation of the Metrics Server, execute the following kubectl commands: kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/metrics-server/releases/latest/download/components.yaml helm repo add kubernetes-dashboard https://kubernetes.github.io/dashboard/ helm upgrade --install kubernetes-dashboard kubernetes-dashboard/kubernetes-dashboard --create-namespace --namespace kubernetes-dashboard kubectl apply -f dashboard-adminuser.yaml kubectl apply -f dashboard-adminuser-clusterrolebinding.yaml kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard port-forward svc/kubernetes-dashboard-kong-proxy 8443:443 kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard create token admin-user Once the JRIO containers are running in pods, configure the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler using the command below. Please modify the command as per your requirement: kubectl autoscale deployment jrio-reporting --cpu-percent=50 --min=1 --max=2 Ensure the JRIO REST Load Balancer endpoint is accessible only within the VPC, restricting public access. dashboard-adminuser.yaml dashboard-adminuser-clusterrolebinding.yaml
  9. Hi Gosego, Could you please provide more details. Which version of Jaspersoft are you using? Are you referring to Jaspersoft Repository? Could you please share some screenshots where you face this issue?
  10. Hi, Could you please share the sample jrxml file for this issue. From the error, the report seems to refer to a class file "object from file: C:...". Please check and see if any customizations are present in your Jaspersoft application and if that complies with an old version of Java. Also, please share your Jaspersoft log files(\WEB-INF\logs\jasperserver.log) for further analysis.
  11. Hi, It seems that the error is happening while parsing the file " Caused by: org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException: JBAS011666: Could not parse file C:\wildfly-8.1.0.Final\domain\servers\server-one\tmp\vfs\temp\temp97584868c3133263\content-91a4ebf0859ad950\WEB-INF\applicationContext-jms.xml" I could see a similar issue in one of the community threads: https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/cannot-start-tibco-jasperreports-server-630-jboss-wildfly-parseerror-logs Please check the above thread and see if this resolves the issue.
  12. Hi Andrew, Can you check the below steps and advise 1. Check the Jasper server logs and see if we get any errors in the log files. 2. navigate to manage --> Server settings --> Adhoc cache and see if the queries corresponding to the filter are getting executed or not. If there are any errors in the logfiles (Jasperserver logs --> WEB-INFlogs) or catalina.log, Please share the same Thanks Prasanth
  13. Hi, You can use CSV or Excel data adapters to retrieve the data from a CSV or Excel file. You can use this to populate the data in reports. Please refer to the below documentation and see if this fits your requirements. https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/802580/how-create-excel-data-source-jasperreports-server https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jaspersoft-studio-user-guide/v640/using-csv-data-sources Keeping the data hardcoded in the Java code may not be a good idea as we have to redeploy the code every time we modify the employee details. If you are getting the employee details from a Rest API endpoint, you can use an AutoRest database connecter. Please see more details about auto rest in the below community page. https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/autonomous-rest-connector-tibco-jaspersoft-studio
  14. Hi Jonas olsson, Jaspersoft supports Json Datasource or Autonomous REST connection which can invoke API calls and retrieve data in Json Format.: Please refer to the documentation: https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/autonomous-rest-connector-tibco-jaspersoft-studio Deployment Manage Repository: JasperReports Server has a built-in repository where you can store your report resources (JRXML files, images, translations, etc.). You can use the Jaspersoft WebUI Interface to login to the application and then manage the repository. Export and Import of Resources: We can try to export all the resources as a zip folder. Please refer to the old documentation(Please check the version of the old Jaspersoft and check the steps in jasperreports-server-administration-guide. Here I have given the document for JRS 5.5): https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/jasperreports-server-administration-guide/v550/import-and-export-through-command-line. You can try to export from the old Jaspersoft and then import the zip folder to the latest version of Jaspersoft. A sample export and import command : js-export --everything --output-zip EverythingExportTest.zip --include-attributes --keyalias deprecatedImportExportEncSecret & js-import --input-zip EverythingExportTest.zip --skip-themes --keyalias deprecatedImportExportEncSecret --update Now test the reports and see if there are any issues with the report execution. Since you mentioned that your existing Jaspersoft is very old, there are chances that minor modifications need to be done either on Jrxml reports or on the server configuration. Make sure you test all the different reports/flows before promoting the changes to Production.
  15. Thanks for the confirmation. As mentioned in the comments, I could handle the apostrophe on JRS 804. The workaround "created a duplicate column where I have stripped out the apostrophe and used that to filter the report but not show it in the report" will also handle the above scenario.
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