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Jivan Phadtare

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Posts posted by Jivan Phadtare

  1. Hello,

    By looking to error it seems that the issue is in SMTP configuration.
    Check the SMTP server configuration in JasperReports Server to ensure that it is properly configured and accessible. Verify the SMTP server address, port, authentication credentials, and any other relevant settings.

    The error also suggest that invalid email adress. Could you please make sure email address is valid, you can test by directly putting email id without vairable.

  2. Hello,


    If you are using war installation of community version then kindly make sure that you have file "keystore.init.properties"  at location "...\jasperreports-server-pro-9.0.0-bin\buildomatic\" which contains path of keystore files like .jrsks and .jrsksp.

    Keystore file  "keystore.init.properties" by default contains below home directory where keystore files are generated during installation.


  3. Hello,

    Could you please raise this as an enhancement request to upgrade the postgres version on below URL
     This URL is managed by product team and they will consider this as an enhancement.
     As per the platform support guide document from : https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/?version=v8.2.0
     we could see that for 8.2.0 version supported postgres versions are : 12, 13, 14
     Hope this finds you useful.

  4. Hello,

    This information is typically generated when a Java application crashes due to a segmentation fault (SIGSEGV) or other critical issues. 
    It includes details about the error, Java version, problematic frame, stack trace, and more.

    If you need assistance in troubleshooting or understanding this error, you may want to analyze the provided log (/home/oas/hs_err_pid1793143.log) or seek help from your development team or Java support community. This error is more in context to Java than jasperserver.

  5. The attached screenshot shows Tomcat has started but don't see any error in screenshot.
    could you please check first tomcat is up and running.
    You can use below URL to check Tomcat is up or not.


    If tomcat you get error, then good idea to check the Tomcat error log in catalina.out file.


    Log file : catalina*.out

  6. The error message "451 5.7.3 STARTTLS is required to send mail" indicates that the SMTP server you are trying to send mail through requires a secure connection using STARTTLS (Transport Layer Security).

    STARTTLS is required to send mail: This message explicitly states that the SMTP server expects the communication to be secured with STARTTLS before allowing the email to be sent.

    To resolve this issue, Make sure that your email client is configured to use STARTTLS for sending emails.

    Additionally, as a part of testing you can try adding property "email.server.starttls.enable=true" in the js.quartz.properties file to check if it could make difference.


    Post adding try to restart the Jasperserver and check again. If still persist the same issue then remove the added property and error might need to look at your end.
    In that case, might be good approach to contact local IT or contact your Email Service Provider.

  7. Hello,

    To access subreport from main report, kindly refer to below wiki article :


    Kindly follow the steps listed in below article to publish the report into Jasperserver.


    Video tutotial on how to publish the report on Jasperserver.


    Additionally, you can also try below approach to have csv datasource on Jasperserver.

    Please refer to the 4.12 section- "File Datasource" of TIBCO JasperReports Server Administrator Guide.

    To enable file data sources in the UI:
    1. Open the file .../WEB-INF/applicationContext-remote-services.xml for editing.
    2. Locate the element <util:set id="customDataSourcesToHide">.
    3. Comment out the file data sources you want to display.

       <!-- <value>textDataSource</value> -->
    4. Save the file and restart JasperReports Server.

    Hope this finds you helpful !!

  8. In Jaspersoft Studio, open or create the main report where you want to include the subreport.
    Create a new subreport within the main report.

    Design the Subreport:

    Open the subreport in the subreport editor.
    Drag and drop a "Table" component onto the subreport design.
    In the "Dataset and Query" tab of the subreport editor, create a new dataset and configure it to use the CSV file as its data source.

    Hope this will helps you !!

  9. To get started with studio, kindly refer to below URL :


    Download community version of studio from below link for your linux and unzip it.


    Post unzip the package run the 'runjss.sh' file to install it.

    For additioanl information, kindly visit to below URL :


  10. Which older version of java you tried ? Could you please try to Java version 11.

    Also, could you please check the java heap memory configured for studio.

    For windows the heap memory configuration is present in : "Jaspersoft Studio Professional.ini" file located at  studio installed directory.

    C:\Program Files\TIBCO\Jaspersoft Studio Professional-8.0.0

    Please check the memory configured for -Xms1 and -Xmx

  11. This requirement seems like an enhancement request.  I'm pleased to let you know about an improved method to make it easier for Jaspersoft users to report enhancement ideas, track the status of those enhancements, and vote for ideas/enhancements that you consider to be most useful. This will be done by using the new Jaspersoft Ideas Portal https://jaspersoftideas.tibco.com/  that was developed by our Product Management team.

    This will be a more effective way for you to interface directly with our product team and see the status of your enhancement ideas. Please acknowledge your understanding of using the Jaspersoft Ideas Portal to register this feature request.

  12. "UseConcMarkSweepGC" is java option to use garbage collector which instructs the JVM to use the Concurrent Mark-Sweep (CMS) garbage collector. The CMS collector is designed to minimize pauses during garbage collection in order to reduce application response time, making it suitable for applications where low latency is crucial.

    You can try with Clean restart means stop the tomcat and remove the 'temp' and 'work' folder from tomcat and then restart the tomcat.
    These folders will recreated during restart.

  13. As you mentioned there is no error found in logs then please check the heap memory setting configured in 'setenv.bat' file under tomcat/bin folder.

    Minimum heap should be more than 2 GB. Sample configuration for windows is as below :

    set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xms2048m -Xmx4096m -Xss2m
    set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC

    Also, we request you to try with clean restart of tomcat.
    Clean restart means stop the tomcat and remove the 'temp' and 'work' folder from tomcat and then restart the tomcat.
    These folders will recreated during restart.

  14. It is good approach to have a look at jasperserver.log file to know about more details of error when you try to export through JasperServer.
    'jasperserver.log' file can be found at location : ...\webapps\jasperserver-pro\WEB-INF\logs\
    We highly recommand you to have a look at log file when you perform export operation. It should pinpoint about the error if any.

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