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Domenico Donofrio

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Everything posted by Domenico Donofrio

  1. Hello, would you evaluate installing the Jasper Server latest community edition 8.2 which also supports JDK 1.8? https://community.jaspersoft.com/project/jasperreports-server
  2. Hello, Unfortunately, there is no xml for this kind of configuration. It is handled on a UI application and to change this behavior would require modifying the javascripts files and recompiling the code.
  3. Hello devd.danta, can you try moving the list withinn the detail section instead of the summary one and resize it to fit the section itself?
  4. Hello at this link you can find it: https://community.jaspersoft.com/project/jaspersoft-studio/releases
  5. Hello lwlima.unimed, did you check that all the provided parameters are correct? Port number, database name etc? Also can you try to use this other format? This will use the tibco driver instead of the MS proprietary one jdbc:tibcosoftware:sqlserver://:1433;databaseName=<dbname>
  6. Hello Bryan, Looking at the error, it seems that you are mising some dependencies in the project classpaths. Can you check that you have added all needed jars? Whitelist cannot be resolved to a type Whitelist cannot be resolved Jsoup cannot be resolved
  7. Hi rafagirl586, according to this link https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60592306/error-invalid-value-for-mi-detail-value-must-be-an-integer, any literal used in SELECT_TO_TIMESTAMP function should be surrounded by double quotes. Can you check you don't have any literal (T I guess) like this?
  8. Hello s.fiedeldij, as described at the following link you can use user's profile attributes to define a parametrized datasource. When an user runs the report, the Datasource to be used will be defined dynamically accordingly to his attributes https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-administrator-guide/v60/attributes-data-source-definitions Hope it helps
  9. Hello Yanchiu, can you try out this procedure: https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-reset-superuser-password. If doesn't work feel free to open a support case (commercial editions) to request for a superuser account from a standard deployment into a zip file to be imported in your instance. Hope it helps.
  10. Hello, you can check if this command is available in the list Preferences->Keys and in this case, you can map it to a new shortcut.
  11. Hello, this is how the resource part of the Json may look like. The scenario is the one you described, a subreport (subreport_1) containing another subreport (subreport_2). They should be listed at the same level and are idempotent in the Json, even if one subreport includes the other. "resource": [ { "name": "subreport_1.jrxml", "file": { "fileResource": { "label": "{label}", "type": "jrxml", "content": "{base64EncodedContent}" } } }, { "name": "subreport_2.jrxml", "file": { "fileResource": { "label": "{label}", "type": "jrxml", "content": "{base64EncodedContent}" } } } ]
  12. Hello, the version you are referring to is the community edition that are not entitle to open support cases. The commercial editions are following the same release version as of the server, so currently commercial Studio is on 8.0.4 for LTS and 8.2.0 MS. Regards
  13. Hello Joel, starting from version 8.x, the support relase model for Jaspersoft product has been adapted to follow two types of Jaspersoft releases: Mainstream (MS) and Long-Term Support (LTS). This also applies to Jaspesoft Studio. You can refer to this link for further information: https://docs.tibco.com/pub/jaspersoft/general/LTS/jaspersoft_LTS_releases.html?_ga=2.80610775.1580523215.1684134409-158717378.1666966569
  14. Hello, which java version are you using? If not already have you tried switching on 1.8 ?
  15. Hello Mehul, In my case it is working fine and I can't reproduce the issue: Can you provide more details about the problem? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!-- Created with Jaspersoft Studio version 8.0.2.final using JasperReports Library version hotfix-6.18.1-SNAPSHOT-2961835b2212865be359a43768fc5fa9b356148c --><jasperReport xmlns="http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/xsd/jasperreport.xsd" name="community" pageWidth="595" pageHeight="842" columnWidth="555" leftMargin="20" rightMargin="20" topMargin="20" bottomMargin="20" uuid="b9d5d5d8-3ab1-45ab-bba5-9b9987678417"> <queryString> <![CDATA[]]> </queryString> <background> <band splitType="Stretch"/> </background> <title> <band height="79" splitType="Stretch"/> </title> <pageHeader> <band height="35" splitType="Stretch"/> </pageHeader> <columnHeader> <band height="61" splitType="Stretch"/> </columnHeader> <detail> <band height="125" splitType="Stretch"> <staticText> <reportElement mode="Opaque" x="120" y="20" width="180" height="60" backcolor="#BDBDBD" uuid="b8001e8d-b720-46a3-a117-293a5a881ad4"/> <box> <bottomPen lineWidth="1.0"/> </box> <textElement textAlignment="Center" markup="html"> <font fontName="SansSerif" isBold="true"/> </textElement> <text><![CDATA[<strong>Monthly % Goal</strong>]]></text> </staticText> </band> </detail> <columnFooter> <band height="45" splitType="Stretch"/> </columnFooter> <pageFooter> <band height="54" splitType="Stretch"/> </pageFooter> <summary> <band height="42" splitType="Stretch"/> </summary></jasperReport>
  16. When embedding an external sub-report using resource bundles files (meaning not contained in the same report unit of the master report), it is necessary to propagate the resource bundles to the sub-report which has been embedded as .jrxml file. One typical scenario deployed on the Jasper Reports Server is: - A folder containing the resource bundles. It will be referenced by the Master Report and the sub report when run autonomously. - a Master Report which embeds a sub-report as .jrxml file published on the server. - A Sub-Report Unit that can be run autonomously and uses the resource bundles from the external folder One important thing to notice is that the master report has to include the subreport element by passing to it the full parameter map which also includes the resource bundles file defined as resource of the master report. The resource bundle files, loaded on the Jasper server are linked to the master report that will be forwarding them to the sub-report by using the mentioned parameter ${REPORT_PARAMETER_MAP} - see previous image The same way, the sub-report unit running autonomously, will be linked to the same resource bundles file, so in case it is needed to modify the resource bundle, changing or adding a translation, the modification will have to be done only once, and both the sub-report run in stand-alone mode, both the one embedded, will benefit of the same update and the resource bundle file will have to be mantained in just one server's folder. Attaching also an example of master/sub-report. master_report_0.zip resource_bundles_0.zip sub_report_0.zip
  17. Can you try to switch the encoding to UTF-16 to see if you get a better result? In.../WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml Change the default "UTF-8" . For example: <bean id="encodingProvider" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.common.util.StaticCharacterEncodingProvider"> <constructor-arg value="UTF-16" /> </bean> Hope it helps
  18. When deploying a Dockerized version of JasperReports Server (https://github.com/TIBCOSoftware/js-docker/tree/main/jaspersoft-containers/Docker/jrs) it is possible to enable SSL security by using Nginx as a reverse proxy. This article explains how to configure a Nginx Docker Container and enable Https for JasperReports Server by using a self-signed certificate. 1 - Generate SSL certificates using OpenSSL After installing OpenSSL, for example by using Chocolatey in Windows, run the following command to generate a self signed certificate and related key (as included in the example attached, feel free to replace them with yours). openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout nginx-selfsigned.key -out nginx-selfsigned.crt 2 - Configure Nginx: Dockerfile example FROM nginx:1.17.4-alpine RUN rm /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d 3 - Define a nginx.conf file to use the self signed certificates underscores_in_headers on; server { listen 443 ssl; server_name localhost; ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/certs/nginx-selfsigned.crt; ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/certs/nginx-selfsigned.key; access_log /var/log/nginx/data-access.log combined; location /jasperserver-pro { proxy_pass http://${JASPER_SERVER}:8080/jasperserver-pro; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; proxy_set_header X-Real_IP $remote_addr; } } The JASPER_SERVER variable is set in the .env file as host.docker.internal and represents the Docker host IP. Please notice that it is not recommended to use localhost for Ngingx server/proxy_pass setting as the container would just refer to itself and would not reach the JasperReports Server running on another container. 4 - Setting up docker-compose There is another global variable defined for SSL certificate paths in the .env file (SSL_src). It is used in the docker-compose.yml file looks like this: version: '3' services: nginx: build: ./docker/nginx expose: - 443 - 80 ports: - 80:80 - 443:443 volumes: - ${SSL_src}:/etc/nginx/certs 5 - Run docker compose build and then docker compose up. If you see the nginx container up and running by using the command docker-compose ps, and you Dockerized JSR is also up and running, it can now handle https request to the server on the default port 443 thanks to the nginx container. This is very handy in case it is necessary to enable HTTPS like for instance when embedding visualise.js, and avoiding CORS problems. If after these steps, the proxying is not working well, after checking that the JRS containers and Nginx are up and running on Docker (docker ps), you might also check the Nginx containers logs which will highlight any issue in the communication between JRS and Nginx Docker containers. In attachment the complete example that I run on my Windows machine. ssl.zip
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