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Raphaël Peguet

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Everything posted by Raphaël Peguet

  1. With the release of version 9, the Eclipse RCP package for Jaspersoft Studio has been removed, this article is, therefore, mostly inaccurate since then. Thank you for pointing that out.
  2. Yes you need to restart JasperServer to apply the changes. Under opt/bitnami/apache-tomcat/bin you should have 2 scripts shutdown.sh and startup.sh to stop and restart it.
  3. Hi Siva, I found the question of Sadakar describing very well how to use Base64 images in a JasperReports template. Not sure whether his server issue was resolved but you may find the post at With a field called image_base64 the image expression should then be: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRImageLoader.getInstance(new SimpleJasperReportsContext()).loadAwtImageFromBytes(Base64.getDecoder().decode($F{image_base64}))
  4. Hi Igor, It would be interesting to understand the reason you need to print a group header 3 before the group footer 1 in the first example you share. Maybe instead of the group header 3 you can use a sub report with a conditional print at the bottom of the group footer 2? With the second example you share you should use 2 sub-reports as follow: - SubReport 1 for the Detail 1 and its group 2 - SubReport 2 for the Detail 2 and its group 3
  5. Placing a sub-report in the detail will iterate the sub-report as many times as the number of rows returned in the master report's result set
  6. I had missed that but that's right. JSS v. 9 didn't fix that so I brought this up to the team
  7. @Chaitanya Deepthi This error may also be the consequence of an unsupported version of Java being used. Please check the Platform support Datasheet for supported versions of Java.
  8. Yes, you will need to create the jsonData parameter in the report template, the JRXML. You will typically do that using Jaspersoft Studio
  9. Adding a group one more time the same way as described here will create a sub-group to the existing group or groups.
  10. Hello, Can you share the full stack trace? Also, does the report work when previewing in Jaspersoft Studio? Thanks, Raphaël
  11. Hello, I just tested with JasperReports 6.21.0 / Jaspersoft Studio 9.0 and couldn't reproduce the issue with the extra gap at the bottom. However, I do notice that it forces me to go to the next line after the full stop even though I don't even have a space. Can you tell me if using JR 6.21 changes anything?
  12. There is a line at the top of the .jrxml file telling the JSS and JRL versions used to create the report, so if you look at the source of the report in Jaspersoft Studio, then you should get the info.
  13. Hi, The link to the patch are indeed broken. Jaspersoft Studio CE 6.17 or newer or Jaspersoft Studio Pro 8 include the patch, I'd highly recommend to upgrade since they are backward compatible and will still allow you to compile reports with older versions of JasperReports.
  14. Try setting the parameter like this: Parameter: Name: IDS Class: java.util.Collection Default Value Expression: new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(1,2))
  15. It depends on your data but generally, you'd create a query that will return the sum by quarter and the name of the quarter (sorting by date). Then creating the chart will be very straightforward with the sum as value and the quarter name as the category of the column chart.
  16. What is the 3rd party system you're referring to? Ideally, you'd find a fix or workaround there instead of tempering with the API response from JasperReports Server.
  17. Are you using styles and conditional styles? You should be able to apply styles on static text fields the same way as in a table.
  18. Hello, this is an unusual behaviour for Jaspersoft, emails are triggered at the time set and depending on the size of the report and the time it takes to retrieve the data from the data source it can take from a few seconds to a few minute to generate the report. Do you have anything useful on the SMTP server logs that could explain the attachment scanning? To further troubleshoot this issue, could you set the scheduler to add the link to the report in the body instead of attaching it to the email so we can validate the email is sent at the right time?
  19. Hello, This question here is how to generate a SQL query which would retrieve the correct data. If you have 10 tables for 10 accounts and that you need a list of accounts you will need to UNION the tables instead of the standard joins. Which databases do you use to store the accounts? Most databases come with a tool to build queries, I'd recommend you do that first and then paste the query that works in Jaspersoft to build your report. Please let me know if that helps. Thanks,
  20. Hello Prashant, Can you share the error message you're getting, I don't have an error on my end. Also please share the version of JasperReports Server you use.
  21. Bonjour Guillaume, Sorry, I only see your question now. I can help, I am a French solution consultant for Jaspersoft and I can help you with your project. Please contact sales@jaspersoft.com and ask for me, Raphaël Peguet. In parallel, you can find me on linkedIn to chat https://www.linkedin.com/in/raphael-peguet-b993a46/ Cordialement, Raphaël
  22. If the disk is full of files this means that the JVM needs to SWAP a lot due to insufficient memory. If the reports generated are very large or a large amount of users use JRS then you will need to increase the JVM heap size.
  23. There are several wiki articles on the topic. For example, you may have a look at this one https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/reusing-subdataset-data-report . Thank you,
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