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Everything posted by rpachipu

  1. Hi Deepti, Our latest versions support RHEL 8.x and 9.x. You can find more details in the below platform-support-guide . Operating Systems - 9.0.0 - Jaspersoft Community
  2. Hi , you embed jasper reports using visualise.js, REST api or using Iframe as below: https://www.jaspersoft.com/getting-started/integrate-and-embed
  3. Hi Sanjay, Below is the link to create a sample multi-sheet excel jasper report output https://community.jaspersoft.com/knowledgebase/code-sample/sample-report-creating-multi-sheet-xls-report-output-subreports/
  4. Hi , For extra space check page height and adjust height allocated to the respective and remove unnecessary. TO stick the footer to the bottom , create a dummy group and make use of the group footer position to stack to bottom.
  5. Hi , yes you can achieve this by using crosstabs.
  6. The below are the basic and professional charting libraries available. Seems you are using basic charts, for this you need to write chart customizers to implement that. You can find samples of chart customizers in the below: https://github.com/TIBCOSoftware/jasperreports/tree/6.21.0/jasperreports/demo/samples/chartcustomizers
  7. Hi David, If its of type high charts, you can add advance property plotOptions.series.pointWidth to30. If its a Jfree chart, you need to create a barchart customizer class to control width of bar chart and use the setMaximumBarWidth attribute CategoryPlot categoryPlot=chart.getCategoryPlot(); BarRenderer renderer=(BarRenderer)categoryPlot.getRenderer(); renderer.setMaximumBarWidth(.30); //Set maximum width of barchart to 30 percent
  8. Hi , You can find some samples here on how to integrate reports into Java web application. Regarding UI, its can be design ed as per your requirements. https://github.com/TIBCOSoftware/jasperreports/tree/6.20.6/jasperreports/demo/samples/webapp
  9. Hi Adam, You can find the Jaspersoft community Platform support guide at https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/
  10. Hi, You can try using two detail bands ie., detail1 band for main and details 2 band for sub table with print when expressions.
  11. Hi , I am not clear on - I need connect csv file with postgresql and postgresql with mssql. If you want to connect to csv for subreport1 and postgress for subreport 2 its possible , but to combine both in one report you can create a ETL job to populate both data into DB and create a report on top of that.
  12. Hi , 1.You can the add the below property to the report. net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.one.page.per.sheet="false" 2. Identify the report element i.e, textbox where you want to cut the page before or after. Based on that, you can cut the page by adding the one of the below property to the textbox. net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.break.before.row="true" net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.break.after.row="true" or you can do the step 2 form UI as below:
  13. Hi Bony, You can find sample visualize.js code here for button for downloading the report https://jsfiddle.net/gh/get/jQuery/3.4.1/tibcosoftware/JS-visualize/tree/master/report-export/export-formats/
  14. Hi , we cannot rotate table component, we can rotate text field values. Depending on the design of the report, we can achieve through tricks.
  15. Hi , You can use any one of the above datasource depending on your requirements. By default you can use master report connection. Also, you can find sample subreport here https://github.com/TIBCOSoftware/jasperreports/tree/6.20.6/jasperreports/demo/samples/subreport
  16. Hi , Please can you check the data adapter xml 's is at right location and its contents are valid. Also please give us more details on the error log to validate .
  17. Hi Soumya, You can find the snapshot date stored in the below table of jasper DB.
  18. Hi , you can use '/jasperserver-pro?userLocale=en-GB' or in the script <script src="http://bi.example.com:8080/jasperserver-pro/client/ visualize.js?userLocale=en-GB"></script> in the script
  19. Hi, Please can you check the parameter value your passing is appropriate value. You can try executing the report query with the hardcoded value to the paramterId and try to get the results.
  20. Hi, You can achieve this using variables and terinary operator or by writing Scriplets userdefined method .
  21. Hi Gayatri, To hide title bar, need to append decorate=no to the url. To hide the menu bar on jasperserver UI, you need to customize the file "..jasperserver-proWEB-INFdecoratorsdecorator.jsp" file. Add style="display:none" to <div id="banner" and style="top: 0" to <div id="frame">. Save the changes and restart the server.
  22. To hide the menu bar on jasperserver UI, you need to customize the file "..jasperserver-proWEB-INFdecoratorsdecorator.jsp" file. Add style="display:none" to <div id="banner" and style="top: 0" to <div id="frame">. Save the changes and restart the server.
  23. Hi, This is a kind of warning and wont effect the report output or execution. This is triggered because of the textfield is of style or html , but a single ampersand character in it is not a valid styled text value. Styled text must be valid XML content, except only for an optional <st> root tag, which is added automatically by JR when processing the value. The single "&" is not valid XML content because ampersand is special XML character and needs to be escaped, so the attempt to parse it as XML obviously fails. If styled text parsing failures don't need to appear in your logs, then you can turn them off using your preferred logging library configuration. For example, if you use log4j, you could add this line to the log4j.properties in your classpath: log4j.logger.net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRStyledTextParser=OFF
  24. Hi Gnamaflo, Please can you provide more details on what are issues, where you are encountering issues and error logs to analyze further.
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