This repository is a fork of the js-docker distribution that has been updated to include support for building, configuring, and running TIBCO JasperReports Server Community Edition in containers. See:
When I click on the Home icon the Getting Started page is not displayed. When I navigate to: http://localhost:11001/jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=homeFlow an error message is displayed. I have logged in using the 'jasperadmin/jasperadmin' and the 'joeuser/joeuser' credentials. Note: I am running JasperReports Server 7.5 Community Edition in a Docker container. Ref: Update Ok, so it seems the User Guide included in the /docs directory of the JasperReports Server 7.5 Community Edition distribution is for the Professional Edition of the product. Where can I find the Community Edition's User Guide (JasperReports-Server-CP-User-Guide.pdf)?
I used js-docker as a starting point and then I updated it to work with the Community Edition of JasperReports Server. See:
I used js-docker as a starting point and then I updated it to work with the Community Edition of JasperReports Server. See: