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Posts posted by kevin_46

  1. Hey, I am running into a problem where Japsersoft is removing blank rows whenever I am creating a cross tab. For example, when I put a certain field in a row I have 40 rows, but then I add another field and it shrinks the row count down to 15. I know I have 40 instances in the first field, however, they may have a blank second field. If there is a blank second field, it should just show up as nothing, but instead it is removing the row all together. Is there a reason that Jaspersoft removes the rows if there in a NULL value? Or is there an issue in reagrds to my relationships I am creating in my database/domain?

  2. When creating a table ad hoc view, we are able to change the name of the column header to be user-friendly. In a crosstab ad hoc view, we do not have the same option to rename, unless it is in a different location or there is a different way to do it. Am I missing something or are you not allowed to chnage a column header in a crosstab ad hoc view?


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