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  1. I am experiencing the same problem too. Can someone help please. I can access to server from browser and I haven't changed proxy settings too. When I try with REST I always get the following error. javax.ws.rs.InternalServerErrorException: HTTP 500 Internal Server Error When I try with SOAP if the credentials are right I get the following AxisFault faultCode: {http://xml.apache.org/axis/}HTTP faultSubcode: faultString: (404) faultActor: faultNode: faultDetail: {}:return code: 404 If the credentials are wrong, I get the following AxisFault faultCode: {http://xml.apache.org/axis/}HTTP faultSubcode: faultString: (401) faultActor: faultNode: faultDetail: {}:return code: 401
  2. I have a json data source based report and there are a lot of recurring areas with the same report structure. I want to create one template for these parts and use it repeatedly. But all of them point to a different part of the json file. I thought I was able to pass the field description as a parameter and in the sub report define the fieldDescription by the parameter but fieldDescription is not getting expressions. I have found a solution for my problem in the link below for sql statements but I need to use it for jsonql. https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/1050776/how-pass-parameter-value-field-value Any help would be really appreciated.
  3. Changed Assigned User from @teodord to - Hi Teodord, can you direct me to some resources about custom property expressions for dataset fields or at least give some examples for json.I have a very long report which most of the tables recurs. The field expression is different for each sub report so I want to pass the field description as a parameter to sub report.Can you please help me, it is a bit urgent.
  4. Hi Everyone I need to create a report based on a simple json file based on an array. Example below. { "data": [ {"name": "name1"} ] } 1) I have tried upload the json file but couldn't find the file type "json" so I added as content-resource. 2) I changed the "applicationContext" file, commented out the dataSource type "jsonDataSource" and created a JSON Data Source based on the file I have uploaded earlier. I wasn't sure about what to set query so I wrote "data". 3) I added a test report with a title band a detail band with static text inside only, set the data source to JSON Data Source I have created. But still the report is givng error. Thanks everyone for the help.
  5. Hi everyone I am trying to create a report from a JSON file with multiple subreports included (subreports are using different connections than the masterreport and also each other). I can create the subreports properly individually but I can't create the master report (it is rendering the subreport but not getting the data, showing me nulls instead of the data). I guess I couldn't configure the dataSources' of the subreports, my question is how can I add the dataSource that points to a json file? (subreports' dataSource is different than the masterReport's dataSource)
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