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Everything posted by bigalex

  1. Check if Role A has the Execute Only permission for Data Source as well. The Execute Only for Input controls is enough.
  2. By default the parameter class is .string (text). You may enter a long text, and then in your query, you can trim it. Disable the Enter key in your scanner if multiple scans are required.
  3. It looks like your layout is locked. Select all feilds in the column header ->right click-->Arrange in Container-->Free Layout
  4. Place PNG transparent image (in my case -DRAFT) on top of the showcase image.
  5. Have you tried using the text box and set forecolor transparency?
  6. In JasperSoft Studio, Go to Repository Tab , Select the server where your report is located, then open .jrxml file. It should ctraetes a copy in MyReports folder.
  7. Select text fields -->right click-->Horizontal Spacing-->Remove Horizontal Space
  8. Select text boxes on the header and set the stretch type to "Relative to Tallest Object "
  9. If you would like to use the same Freeze as it is in Excel, then Right Click on the row/coulmn-->Select XLS Tags-->Freeze
  10. Change your query from : WHERE PES.PES_NOME = $P{Nome} to: WHERE $X{IN,PES.PES_NOME,Nome} do the same for other parameters where input is not required Or just simply change AND to OR WHERE (PES.PES_NOME = $P{Nome}or PFI.PFI_SEXO = $P{Sexo} or PFI.PFI_CPF = $P{CPF})
  11. If you know the size of the template then you can edit the Page Format (width/height) If the issue with printing on the A4 page then select Fit, Shrink oversized pages, or Custom Scale in the print property.
  12. Try expression: new Boolean($V{Available}<0.00) ? "<style forecolor='red'>" + $V{Available} +"</style>": $V{Available} Don't forget to set Markup in Text Field to <styled>
  13. Caused by: org.springframework.webflow.execution.repository.snapshot.SnapshotNotFoundException: No flow execution snapshot could be found with id '2'; perhaps the snapshot has been removed? at org.springframework.webflow.execution.repository.impl.SimpleFlowExecutionSnapshotGroup.getSnapshot(SimpleFlowExecutionSnapshotGroup.java:74) at org.springframework.webflow.execution.repository.impl.DefaultFlowExecutionRepository.getFlowExecution(DefaultFlowExecutionRepository.java:111)
  14. Change Position Type for the next subreport to Float.
  15. Try $F{QTYONHAND}.floatValue() - $V{qtyToFulfill_1}.floatValue()
  16. It is not possible to curve text in the single textbox. If you are using static text, then you may create text boxes with a single letter and place them in the curve line by changing x y. position.
  17. Add to the source code: To remove header on export:<property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xlsx.exclude.origin.band.1" value="pageHeader"/>To remove footer on export:<property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xlsx.exclude.origin.band.2" value="pageFooter"/>
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