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Everything posted by yama818

  1. First of all, you need to watch the following video to understand the role of the keystore and how to use it when exporting and importing. I'm still learning, but it seems that the import method differs depending on the exported JRS version and export method. It's difficult... Dr. Jaspersoft https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/dr-jaspersoft --> 10) Keystore Management (9/10/20)
  2. original post https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/1188021/how-fix-table-column-headers-report
  3. I haven't tried it, but I found a site that might be helpful. https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-rest-api-reference/v750/import-service It looks like you need to specify 'secret-key' or 'secretUri'. I hope this is useful to you.
  4. It may not meet your requirements, but there is a way to dynamically switch the data source after uploading to the server. Attributes in Data Source Definitions https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-administrator-guide/v601/attributes-data-source-definitions I hope this is useful to you.
  5. This may not be the best way to do it, but I was able to achieve it with the following method. Image after changing settings * Change SQL SELECT request ,sum(hours) AS hoursFROM test.tableGROUP BY request I hope this is useful to you.
  6. I encountered a similar event today. I used iFrame to embed the JRS report on Microsoft SharePoint. In Firefox, it shows up fine, but in Chrome and Edge, it does not. I monitored the network tab in the developer tools and saw accesses that looked like infinite loops. From what I could tell, the behavior seemed to be specific to the Chromium browser, but I don't know the cause. SharePoint and JRS are running on different servers and different domains. It's impossible to run them on the same domain. I'm stuck.
  7. >1.how to hide the null row in crosstab (but need to keep the 2018 fyear column)? --> I found this difficult. I would like to know too. >2.how to set the total sex so it can sum up the column value in crosstab? -->Try setting the measure item Caluculation to 'count'. I hope this is useful to you.
  8. Perhaps the answers I have given here will help. https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/1187611/read-fields-not-reading-all-fields-web-service-data-adapter I hope this is useful to you.
  9. If you don't mind, please let me know. Maybe I'll notice something. 1. In the definition of the parameter 'End_Date', is the Class 'java.util.Date'? 2. Is the argument of function 'KCI_ONCORE_RW_UTILS.get_fiscal_yr' of type 'date'? 3. As a confirmation of isolating the problem, can you check if an error occurs when you simplify and execute the SQL as follows? SELECT KCI_ONCORE_RW_UTILS.get_fiscal_yr($P{End_Date})) as YR FROM DUAL
  10. If your requirement is the following image, you can achieve it by using conditional style. The configuration procedure is as follows. 1. Create a new Style (ex:Style1) --> In this case, set TextAlignment=Right. 2. Create a conditional style for Style1 (Expression:$V{COLUMN_COUNT} == 1) --> Here, set TextAlignment=Left. 3. Define 'Style1' for the text field style. * (Reference) style code <style name="Style1" hTextAlign="Right"> <conditionalStyle> <conditionExpression><![CDATA[$V{COLUMN_COUNT} == 1]]></conditionExpression> <style hTextAlign="Left"/> </conditionalStyle> </style> * (Reference) textField code <textField> <reportElement style="Style1" x="240" y="0" width="80" height="30" uuid="4440143f-b9f3-4e00-95d8-f429250bfe50"> <property name="com.jaspersoft.studio.spreadsheet.connectionID" value="94e4996e-866d-42e7-b3c5-8507f14bf0f9"/> </reportElement> <box> <topPen lineWidth="1.0" lineStyle="Solid" lineColor="#000000"/> <leftPen lineWidth="1.0" lineStyle="Solid" lineColor="#000000"/> <bottomPen lineWidth="1.0" lineStyle="Solid" lineColor="#000000"/> <rightPen lineWidth="1.0" lineStyle="Solid" lineColor="#000000"/> </box> <textElement verticalAlignment="Middle"> <font size="14"/> </textElement> <textFieldExpression><![CDATA[$F{seq}]]></textFieldExpression> </textField> I hope this is useful to you.
  11. I have not used WebServiceDataSource(Language:WebServiceQuery), but I believe the same thing can be done with jsonFileDataSource(Language:JSON). * WebServiceDataSource https://community.jaspersoft.com/project/web-service-data-source *jsonFileDataSource https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-create-report-uses-remote-json-data-source --> If you use WebSrevice, specify the URL in 'File/URL'. However, it may not be available depending on the version of Studio you have. My Studio is 7.5.0. I hope this is useful to you.
  12. I solved it with the following formula. $F{bdfield}.divide( new BigDecimal($F{strfield})[/code]I hope this is helpful.
  13. I guess I was wrong. Unfortunately, the 'HTML5 Chart' is not available in the 'Community Edition'. My previous idea was to use 'Stacked'. In the case of 'Chart', it is synonymous with using 'Stacked Bar' instead of 'Bar Chart'. I hope this is helpful.
  14. Judging from the appearance of the chart, I'm guessing that the answer is 'Column Chart' in 'HTML5 Chart'. If I'm wrong, please ignore this answer. The width of the graph is narrowed, probably because there are too many different 'Series'. As you can see, there is only one 'Measure' per X-axis. If you are okay with this assumption, you can set 'plotOptions.columun.stacking' to 'true' to increase the width of the graph. However, I don't think this is a good idea as it is only a temporary measure. I hope this is helpful.
  15. This may not be a very good method, but it is an idea. How about filling in the blanks after the URL so that the link is continuously clickable on the line where the link extends? ex1. Adds a blank character to the right side of the string up to a maximum of 100 digits. String.format("%-100s", $F{url})[/code] ex2. Add a blank character to the right side of the string up to a maximum of 100 digits, then cut at 100 digits to align the length. (String.format("%-100s", $F{url})).substring(0,100)[/code] I hope this is helpful.
  16. Sometimes you can get a clue from the 'Caused by: ...' part right after or a little below that message. However, this information may not be useful as it may not always be output. For your reference.
  17. If you are using the Commercial Edition Studio, you can select 'Doughnut' in 'Charts Pro'. For your reference.
  18. If you search the Serverlog for the UID of the error message, do you see any error messages printed nearby? If you can find it, it may help you solve the problem. JasperReports Server Log Files https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/jasperreports-server-install-guide/v561/jasperreports-server-log-files
  19. Your question is 'use as report parameter', so it may not be helpful, but here is an example for 'use as report data'. If you can give me a link to the guide you referenced, I might be able to notice something. - Sample XML file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><members><member> <No>1</No> <Name>AAA</Name> <AddDay>2020/12/10</AddDay></member><member> <No>2</No> <Name>BBB</Name> <AddDay>2021/04/1</AddDay></member><member> <No>3</No> <Name>CCC</Name> <AddDay>2019/10/11</AddDay></member></members> - DataAdapter - Dataset and Query Dialog - Data Preview
  20. Q1. The first method I came up with is to add a timestamp to the file name. In the schedule settings, 'Output Option' --> 'File Handling' --> 'Sequential File Names by Timestamp'. Q2. I haven't tried it, but there seems to be a way. https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-rest-api-reference/v790/working-file-resources --> Downloading File Resources You can also change the output destination to something other than the repository as an alternative, although I'm not sure if this will meet your requirements. In the schedule settings, select 'Output Option' --> 'Output Destination' --> 'Output To Host File System(*1)' or 'Output To FTP Server'. *1. You need to change the settings in order to use it. https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/jasperreports-server-administration-guide/v550/configuring-scheduler --> Restricting File System Output --> ...WEB-INFapplicationContext.xml --> enableSaveToHostFS=true
  21. I haven't tried it, but there seems to be a way. https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-rest-api-reference/v790/inputcontrols-service --> Setting Input Control Values I hope this is helpful.
  22. I noticed one more thing. It may be because you have not defined the values to be displayed in the input control list for the parameter 'PARAMETER_TYPES'. For example, if the following URL is accessed, I think it will not work unless '26117' and '26118' are present as values in the input control list. http://localhost:8080/jasperserver/rest_v2/reports/reports/PARAMETRERTEST.html?PARAMETER_TYPES=26117&PARAMETER_TYPES=26118[/code] Therefore, if you specify 'any value', I think all of the assumed 'any values' must appear in the list beforehand. I hope this is helpful.
  23. I am not fully understanding your question, but I would like to comment on something that has been bothering me. I was wondering why the parameter property 'Nested Type Name' is not set. I wonder if this is something that can be omitted? I hope this is helpful.
  24. You may be able to solve this problem by setting the 'Position Type' property of the second frame to 'Float'. - Frame property - Preview before setting - Preview after setting I hope this is helpful.
  25. If you have a maintenance contract, you should be able to receive the hotfix release email. I received it on 2021/07/14. You can download it from the link in the email. (hotfix_JRSPro7.5.1_cumulative_20210712_1319.zip) If you have any questions about hotfix, it would be better to contact TIBCO staff.
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