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  1. Hi, during import process,i am getting error Import failed. Reason: cannot read zip file. Exported zip file is OK,i can normally open it and extract. I read the documentation,but there is this error not very good explained. I'm using python script generated by Postman,in Postman import process works fine,so archive should be ok. Any advice?
  2. i understand how keystore works...when i did export and import manually using js-export and js-import scripts,it worked. js-export script generated secret key,that i used during the import process, everything was working fine I just have to figure out,how to use it with API requests,and that the problem...
  3. Thank you for your answer. I tried your solution,and of course i read documentation,but still no luck :) Do you have any example? Because in official video tutorial,export/import is done without any encryption and im not sure where should put those secretkey and secretUri informations.
  4. Hi, i have a problem with export and import using JASPERSERVER Rest API. Jasper server version is 7.5.0. Trying to find a way,how to use encrypted keys. Im testing export/import in Postman, and i always get message like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <state> <error> <errorCode>import.decode.failed</errorCode> <parameters/> </error> <id>669d5fdf-21a2-420f-a9b4-e10930ce4175</id> <message>import.decode.failed</message> <phase>failed</phase> </state> Any advice? Thanks
  5. Hi, i have the same problem. Did you find any solution? Thanks
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