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Everything posted by karnam.ac

  1. ProblemTIBCO JasperReports® Server installation is successful , Tomcat home page is working http://localhost:8080 but Jasper server web portal is not accessible SolutionCheck for error in log directory (<Installation Directory>apache-tomcatlogs) .. if you find the below error in jasperreportstomcat-stdout.XXXXX.log please make sure you change the account "Apache Tomcat 8.5 jasperreportsTomcat" service is running with the account which has full access to the installation directory. Caused by: org.apache.commons.configuration2.ex.ConfigurationException: Could not locate: org.apache.commons.configuration2.io.FileLocator@45929ed5[fileName=.jrsksp,basePath=C:\Users\XXX.XX.X,sourceURL=,encoding=ISO-8859-1,fileSystem=com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.crypto.utils.Base64SynchronizingFileSystem@40678495,locationStrategy=com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.crypto.utils.JrsBasePathLocationStrategy@79192688] at org.apache.commons.configuration2.io.FileLocatorUtils.locateOrThrow(FileLocatorUtils.java:345) at org.apache.commons.configuration2.io.FileHandler.load(FileHandler.java:971) at org.apache.commons.configuration2.io.FileHandler.load(FileHandler.java:701) at org.apache.commons.configuration2.builder.FileBasedConfigurationBuilder.initFileHandler(FileBasedConfigurationBuilder.java:311) at org.apache.commons.configuration2.builder.ReloadingFileBasedConfigurationBuilder.initFileHandler(ReloadingFileBasedConfigurationBuilder.java:184)
  2. With TIBCO JaspersReports® Server 7.5 now you can create XLSX data sources directly on TIBCO JaspersReports® Server web UI. Create Folder ExcelDatasourcesforBI, Share the folder . Take the path of shared Folder.. Machine-NAMEExcelDatasourcesforBI Make sure the “jasperreportsTomcat” service run’s with account that have access to share shared folder created in step 1. If you change logon account make sure service is restarted. Copy store.xlsx and expense.xlsx to shared folder (files attached) Login into TIBCO JaspersReports® Server Web UI > Click on Create > Data Source and add details as below: For expense.xlsx and store.xlsx (make sure you point correct path of your excel) Now create Virtual Data source and save, with data sources created in step 5 Now create Domain > Select the Virtual Data source created in step 6 Add schemas “expensexls” and “storexls” Add My Table in Schema expensexls and storexls Go to Joins Tab and Create Join between expensexls and storexls table like below Go to “Data Presentation” and add both “MyTable” and “Mytable_1” in Jointree_2 and Rename My Table to “Expense” and MyTable_1 to “Store” and Save Domain. Create adhoc view on the domain created on previous step, with the above steps you can create Adhoc views on multiple excels.
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