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  1. Hello, I have 1 question and 1 request. 1. In which environment are you running this query? SELECT testvalue2 FROM testtable WHERE testvalue IN ($P!{LoggedInUserAttribute_TestAttribute}) The query you wrote is correct, it will not give an error when you run it through ireport, but if you run it through any data programming compiler you will get an error. 2. Can you share the fields and data types of the table with us? like the example below: CREATE TABLE suppliers ( supplier_id number(10) NOT NULL, supplier_name varchar2(50) NOT NULL, address varchar2(50), city varchar2(50), state varchar2(25), zip_code varchar2(10) ); Regards, Halit
  2. Hello my friend, I am making a sample report and attaching it as an attachment. You will add the "name" and "age" fields to the column header, and the "student detail page" to the page header. data to the detail band. Have a nice day, Good lucky.
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