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Everything posted by naikrish94

  1. In this case what bean name and bean method do we need to provide while creating bean data source?
  2. thanks for the reply elizam ! but i want to resolve this using customer data source, like there will be bean data source in the server and implementation..so i need some idea on this to implement bean code which takes username as param and returns a related connection as result to jasper server. requirement is : there will be input control to select the tenant name, based on tenant name datasource should be switched and get the data from relevant database,show it on report.
  3. Hi, can somebody post solution for this using custom data source. thanks
  4. i need to select different database connection to process report based on input control value which is selected by user, may be this can be done by creating custom java bean datasource. but as far as i did not get any proper stuff or tuto to achieve this.can any one help me to resolve this ?
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