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Everything posted by famykhan4u

  1. Hi Guys, I am trying to figure out a way by which I can enable a set of users to save filters for a common Jasper Report on Server. So that when they try to run the report they can simply access their last saved filter & hit apply. I have tried assigning Read+Write+Delete / Administer Rights on the Report & the Folder but it doesn't seem to work. Can someone please help me with this. Many Thanks in advance. Regards, Fahim
  2. Hello Guys, I am stuck with a problem & need help for the same. I have different versions of executed reports saved on the Jasper Server with data(.pdf, .xls etc). By using the database I want to know the owner of those file. Since the database schema is very new to me I am unable to fetch the desired result. I want to know the owner & the Url of all such files. Any help would be great. Thanks in advance..!!! Thanks & regards, Fahim Khan
  3. Hello everyone, can anyone help me with the below problems that I am facing in Jasper Server while scheduling reports. 1 - While Schduling a Report from the Server, Output Options Tab -> File Handling Section -> Overwrite Files Checkbox is by default checked ------ can we uncheck it by default. 2- While Schduling a Report from the Server, Output Options Tab -> Output Destination Section -> Output To Repository ------ by default the path in this field is where the report is placed, can we change it to "Users/LoggedInUserFolder" lets say admin is logged in than "Users/Admin" by default. Any help would be appreciated. Jasper Version : - JaperReport Server 6.1.0 Enterprise Thanks in advance.
  4. Hi KKriplani, The above default expression evaluated to be "null". I was however able to achieve the desired result in the sql query by writing the below code to identify null in multi-select parameter: --The Where condition will check if the Multi-Select Parameter isNull Select 1 Data from Dual where $X{IN, 0, param_prj_id} UNION ALL --The Where condition will check if the Multi-Select Parameter isNotNull Select 2 Data from Dual where $X{NOTIN, 0, param_prj_id} If I get Null in Multi-Select I simply set the data variable to 1(lets say - test) and use this 'test' variable on a band as display expression. when $F{test} == 1. The actual query is much more complicated, but this exactly what i needed :) Thanks for all your help :)
  5. Hello KKriplani, Thank you for the quick reponse. I tried using $P{param_prj_id} == null ? "1" :"0", but the result is always 1 irrespective of the values i pass in the collection parameter. Always resulting that the parameter is null. Maybe it has something to do with the evaluation time, the parameters are evaluated before the report execution. I did try to find the evaluation setting in properties but Parameters doesn't have them. Also if i take a plain text field & put the same expression in the text field it will work just fine. JRXML Code :<parameter name="param_prj_id" class="java.util.Collection" nestedType="java.lang.Integer"/> <parameter name="is_null" class="java.lang.String" isForPrompting="false"> <defaultValueExpression><![CDATA[$P{param_prj_id} == null ? "1" :"0"]]></defaultValueExpression></parameter>
  6. Hi folks, I have a Multi-Select input control(i.e. param_prj_id) on the Jasper Server which is having multiple Project ID's via Query. I created a collection parameter with the same code(i.e. param_prj_id) in the Jasper Report. Everything is working fine when the values are passed. But I am unable to check for null when no value is passed in the Multi-Select (Since the $X{IN} converts the query to 1=1 if no values are passed). I want to explicitly check for null in this Multi- Select input control. (i.e. if no id's are selected - display a message). It would be great if someone helps me with this.
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