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Everything posted by rludvik

  1. OK, solved it by compiling the report with crosstab (build) and now it works like a charm. Br, Robert
  2. Hello. I'm new in Jasper, using Jasper Studio 6.2.1. I found all answers on my initial issues, but this one is bugging me ... I created crosstab report, saved it in separate file, and inserted it in the "main" report in Title band via subreport (because it has to be shown on the first page, not on the last one). All works fine, except borders of crosstab fields. If I define top and bottom border for crosstabRowHeader, the borders are shown. If I define only top or only bottom border, no border line is shown. I tried to change this in jrxml file directly (tewaking topPen and bottomPen settings - tried to set e.g. topPen lineWidth="0.0"), but nothing helps. If both borders are not defined, no border is shown. But it works for crosstabTotalRowHeader, where only this is defined and only top border is shown: <box> <topPen lineWidth="1.0"/> </box> crosstabTotalRowHeader uses style Crosstab_CT crosstabRowHeader uses style Crosstab_CH but the two are the same: <style name="Crosstab_CT" mode="Opaque" backcolor="#FFFFFF"/> <style name="Crosstab_CH" mode="Opaque" backcolor="#FFFFFF"/> Any help would be appreciated. Robert
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