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  1. I am using REST as the datasource in my JasperReports Server instance. The response from REST endpoint is like follows : { "field1" : "value1", "field2" : "value2", . . . "field20" : "value20", "fieldsToReport" ": ["field2", "field7", "field13", "field18"]}[/code]Now I want to generate a dynamic report with two columns "Field name" and "Field value". How many rows land into the report depends on "fieldToReport" field. So for example for the above data, the report will only show 4 rows i.e. field2, field7, field13 and field18 . One of the way to do this is get the field name from "fieldToReport" and use that field name in the field mapping expression. But as I was trying it I realized that field mapping expression does not evaluate $F expression. Now I am not sure whether I am writing incorrect expresison or there is some other better way to solve this?
  2. Check network request in developer tools of your browser. Seems some of the CSS are blocked in your environment.
  3. Hey @devdio , It is a co-incidence that I have also started to work on something similar. In my opinion, it is possible to solve this without modification in Web Service plugin if we use scriptlets to get the fancy token's etc. But I still need to investigate on this. Feel free to connect with me at http://urlgone.com/13f36a/ to discuss more on the topic outside this channel. Cheers, Siddharth
  4. In my report unit, I have datasource for the parent report as SQL while I want to use a different Web Service datasource for one of my sub-reports. How can I achieve this?
  5. I am currently using Jasper Studio version 6.2.1 and the issue still exists. It is really a pain to make it work and I am still stuck at it.
  6. I have been following the instruction given http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-security-guide/v62/hiding-stack-trace-messages to Hide the stack trace on JasperReport server, but it seems it does not work any more. I remember that in JRS 6.1.1 it was working fine. Does anyone know if it is bug or the method has changed for the same?
  7. In JasperReport I have implemented validation logic of the input control parameters. Now the problem is that when I throw a JRScriptletException from my code then I can see the error stack trace on JasperReports Server page. I want to achieve that the JasperReport server page should show a dialog box with a meaningful error message upon failing a validation. How can I achieve the same?
  8. I had rather found this comment more useful as compared to this answer. Somehow I cannot add a new answer, else I would explained what I did to solve this problem.
  9. @mlopez_1 I cannot find 6.2.1 pro online. Could you please provide me link for the same?
  10. It seems that either network settings to add a proxy server is not available in Jaspersoft Studio Pro v.6.2.0.final or I am not able to find it. Could someone please help me with the same?
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