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Everything posted by francesco.basenghi_1

  1. Hallo everybody. [using Jaspertudio 6.1] I'm currently having issues with a report that must be presented on the browser through the jasper user interface. We can not use the default page formats (ISO standards) and we want the report to flow beyond the botton of the page, so that the user can read data without hitting next continuously. Now the problem is that, on chrome, the report is sluggish as hell because too much data is loaded into the page (when rendering with "ignorePagination"). So, we'd like to set page breaks but also that those page breaks will not be commanded by page format, so that the page can flow beyond an A3 page and break when a particular Group resets. Is a behaviour like this possible without touching java code? Thanks
  2. I'm curious too. My predecessor implemented Jasper 5.5 to replace an in house solution based on XML->XSLT->HTML. The old solution with the same data renders content 10 time faster than jasper, at least. Rendering a 30 page report takes forever (more than a minute) in Jasper when it's clear that the underlying data operation is fast enough to be completed in under 3 seconds. I'm wandering what's going on.
  3. Hello everyone. My predecessor developed a lot of reports with iReport. All those reports rely on a mechanism where a first parameter P1 is prompted to the user and then, during the report generation, the value of P1 is checked and copied into a second prameter P2 that is used in the actual queries. My problem is that I am not able to replicate this behaviour in iReport 5.5 or Jasper Studio 6.x It seems Jasper tries to execute the underlying queries before assigning the values to the parameters needed for the queries to have meaning. So, what am I doing wrong? How the report lifecycle works? Is Jasper executing queries before assigning the related parameters a value? Below is attanched the simpliest jrxml i could compile as an example. Thank you all very much for the help. P.S. This html editor has serious problems with the Vivaldi Browser. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!-- Created with Jaspersoft Studio version 6.3.0.final using JasperReports Library version 5.5.0 --><!-- 2016-08-03T10:28:13 --><jasperReport xmlns="http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/xsd/jasperreport.xsd" name="Blank_A4_1" pageWidth="595" pageHeight="842" whenNoDataType="AllSectionsNoDetail" columnWidth="555" leftMargin="20" rightMargin="20" topMargin="20" bottomMargin="20" uuid="0301fad8-615c-4f40-82f4-5a51de576379"> <parameter name="_idNoPrompt" class="java.lang.Integer" isForPrompting="false"> <defaultValueExpression><![CDATA[$P{idPrompt}]]></defaultValueExpression> </parameter> <parameter name="idPrompt" class="java.lang.Integer"/> <queryString> <![CDATA[select f1, f2 from table where id = $P{_idNoPrompt}]]> </queryString> <field name="name" class="java.lang.String"/> <field name="surname" class="java.lang.String"/> <background> <band splitType="Stretch"/> </background> <title> <band height="86" splitType="Stretch"> <textField> <reportElement x="260" y="20" width="100" height="30" uuid="d040e37f-a5a3-4810-92a2-9f1be468211d"/> <textFieldExpression><![CDATA[$F{f1}]]></textFieldExpression> </textField> <textField> <reportElement x="400" y="20" width="100" height="30" uuid="5ce3ca73-78b4-471a-a9f1-6e51feadabcd"/> <textFieldExpression><![CDATA[$F{f2}]]></textFieldExpression> </textField> <textField> <reportElement x="130" y="0" width="100" height="30" uuid="3e38dc81-ee8a-4f78-b1aa-9e82c0683846"/> <textFieldExpression><![CDATA[$P{_idNoPrompt}]]></textFieldExpression> </textField> <textField> <reportElement x="20" y="0" width="100" height="30" uuid="e4f7561b-cd19-412b-89c9-009a831e726c"/> <textFieldExpression><![CDATA[$P{idPrompt}]]></textFieldExpression> </textField> </band> </title></jasperReport>[/code]
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