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Everything posted by tamara.berova

  1. Hi! Thanks for Your answer. I would not limit the number of values ​​in DropDown list, but show the list in a scrollable DropDown box. Unfortunately, it is programmed so that the list is not supplied with ORACLE SQL query, but with Domain XML query. It is requested because of the filters that are pre-assigned to different users in their profiles / roles. I'm not familiar with XML and do not know how to manage it there. Best regards tamara.berova
  2. Hi all, Is there a way to somehow reduce the number of concurrent parameter values ​​provided by SQL / XML query in a scrollable window? Thanks Best Regard Tamara
  3. Hi! From Version 6.3.0 JasperSoft can work with the class java.util.date. This one get Date and set Date. You must only describe your Text Field or variable in Report accordingly. Best Regards Tamara Berova
  4. Hi! There is a SQL-solution: You do a Query with 2 Columns: select last_day (add_months (SYSDATE, -2)) + 1 AS First_Day, last_day (add_months (SYSDATE, -1) AS Last_Day from DUAL, Connect the query to your own query (view) or Table (Sorce Data) and the 2 necessary columns will get you in each rows of your report. You can group then result by this 2 columns. There is a Jasper-solution too, but this solution is not so transparent for Sie. Best Regards Tamara Berova
  5. Hi all! I start a report with a few parameters in JasperServer. It takes about a minute. Then I change parameter values ​​and restart the report. Old report remains on the screen as long as the new query is executed. It makes a little mistake for the user. Can it remove the old result within the 2nd run and display any reasonable message on the screen? Thanks Tamara Berova
  6. Thank you very much. I tried to get a preview. Unfortunately, it was also empty. But the situation is not clear to me. I suspect that the cause is wrong organiesierten data because the result shows report for the same value of 1st parameter and some values of 2nd and 3rd parameters and is empty for some other values of the 2nd an 3rd parameters, although I data recieved in SQLDeveloper in all these cases.
  7. Dear colleagues, I have incorporated into source of JasperReport following construct: with v_help_quiry as (select t1.Field1, t3.Field2, t4.Field3.... from table1 t1 join table2 t2 on condition2 join table3 t3 on condition3 ....... join table6 t6 on condition6) select * from v_help_quiry where Field1=$P{PARAM1} and Field2=$P{PARAM2} and Field3=$P{PARAM3} My question: why the same query in SQL-Developer gives me 82 recoords and Jaspersoft shows only blank report?
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