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Everything posted by kkriplani

  1. Hi, I got same issue after running manual steps to create database and i have resolved the issue by following the below listed steps; cd <js-install>/buildomatic js-ant import-sample-data-pro js-ant deploy-webapp-pro Note : Need to set default_master.properties as per your configuration before running above steps I know its late but I hope it helps the new comers. regards, KKriplani
  2. Hi, To your first question; Yes you can write more than one query in a report. You need to understand the concept of datasets. Every report has a main query which is mandatory and without one a report won't run (no matter that query be as "Select 1 from dual"). The other queries that are written for other charts/table/crosstabs, etc are called datasets. These datasets have a different query, different parameters and different fields. Thus, write a new query within a dataset. After writting the dataset, link the newly created table with the dataset via report_connection. The second question is however unclear, elaborate the requirement for me to understand better (Also answer me, will the Ist sending out more than one value,i.e, is it multiselect?). regards, KKriplani
  3. Hi, It very less likely anyone will be able to give the exact query required and I would suggest that you iniate and ask doubts on this forum as and when you find any issues or need clarifications with the logic. Some steps you need to know/keep in mind for the requirement are as follows; 1) The use of conditional parameters ($P!{abc}). (Which I have defined to the fullest I know here) 2) The use of default expression 3) The use of $X{IN, .... , ...} in case any of your input controls are multi-select Hope this helps, KKriplani
  4. (" and iv.inventory_date BETWEEN $P{periodeDebut2} AND to_date('20121230','YYYYMMDD')") This expression used by you is incorrect. Try the following and check the result; "and iv.inventory_date BETWEEN" +$P{periodeDebut2}+ "AND to_date('20121230','YYYYMMDD')" Also, you can check the SQL query running for the reports in the logs (<tomcat>/webapps/jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/logs), for that you need to make sure the SQL query executer in server settings on the jasperserver is set to debug mode. Hope this helps, KKriplani
  5. Hi, The correct format for if else condition is; (condition) ? true : false In your case it would look something like; $F{LICENSE_TYPE} == 1 || $F{LICENSE_TYPE} == 2 || $F{LICENSE_TYPE} == 3 || $F{LICENSE_TYPE} == 20 ? true : false Hope this helps, KKriplani
  6. Make sure the connection is made between jaspersoft and Toad, also the necessary jars are deployed. But as rightly pointed by Hozawa, jaspersoft gives some errors. Thank you, KKriplani
  7. The work around that you can implement is add a no data band into the report and leave all input controls blank such that the query returns no data and the "no data" band would be displayed. In the no data band you can add a text field saying "no data exists". Hope this is helpful, KKriplani
  8. Is the datasource connection successful? else, copy the jasperserver.log and share the file here. Regards, KKriplani
  9. Hi, You have the following two options; 1) The simpler of the two but a lengthy one. Suppose I have a chart being used at three place and a similar chart with an additional paramter used and two other places. I would make two subreports with different two different query and call these subreports at the desired places. 2) Not a very difficult one but way to short. For the same case as first, this time I would have just one subreport. I would need to create two parameters and implement one as a conditional parameter explained here (last answer). This would help you to change the query as per the report/condition. Hope this helps, KKriplani
  10. Also have you verified that the subreports height in the main report and actual height of the sub report are the same or the height of subreport element in the main report is greater? Detail band will by itself repeat. The usual practise i follow in order to avoid the report from repeating is to place the contents into the summary band. Regards, KKriplani
  11. Just to get your question right, You are using more than one query in the same report? Regards, KKriplani
  12. left click outside the report and check what page height and page width you have declared. Come back to the report, left click and check the report height and report width. Do the same for the sub-report. Make sure the report heigth and width is the greatest. Then comes report width and height and lastly sub-report width and height. Hope this hepls, KKriplani
  13. Hi, Within ireports, right click on input controls and create a new input controls. Enter the id and name and click next. Then click on Input Control Details, select the type of input control that you are looking for, example; "Single select query" or "multi select query", depending upon your requirement. Select Mandatory, Read Only or Visible as per your choice. Click on Edit Local Resource, enter the id, query and resource. Once done, click on save and return on the page and click on Value and Visible Columns and enter what the names of the fields from the query that you want to display in the input control. There you go, save and run :) Hope this helps, KKriplani EDIT Have you deployed the report on jasperserver?
  14. Once you have added the parameter "LoggedInUserAttribute_TEST" in the report, you will have to simply add a filter in the input control query like; select cliente from .... where tenantId = $P{LoggedInUserAttribute_TEST} group by.... Obviously, tenantId being a column in that table for you to send out the values in the input controls on the basis of the Tenant Id. Let me know if I am clear :) Regards, KKriplani
  15. Hi, Firstly I would like to point out that, Yes, Java 8 is supported. I noticed a few existing threads on these issues. Have a look. 1. Thread for "Attribute 'uuid' is not allowed to appear in element 'jasperReport'", click here. 2. Thread for "The type java.lang.CharSequence cannot be resolved", click here. Hope this helps, KKriplani
  16. Mapping the parameters of the main report and subreport is a necessary step. The logic behind this is that the input controls would exist for the main report and will be fetching data for the parameters of the main report and these values needs to be passed on to the subreports for fetching data. For mapping the main report and subreport parameters, you need to make sure all the sub report parameters exist in main report parameters. Regards, KKriplani
  17. Hi, Share the complete logs from jasperserver so anyone can help you any further. regards, KKriplani
  18. In the report, create a parameter like "LoggedInUserAttribute_TEST" in the report and place it in the query. Create the same attribute check in the users using the following method; Click on "Manage" >> "Users" >> Select the user to which you want to add the attribute check >> "Edit" on the bottom >> Click "Attributes" on right Top >> add the attribute like mentioned below: Under Attribute name : TEST Under Attribute Value : 123 (Any value that you want to pass in the query) Save and logout and login. Check the queries from the log. Hope this help, KKriplani
  19. There could be a mian query which can be changed using the db sign on top or look for the dataset name and change the query. I suggest you go through the Document provided to you along with the setup. Regards, KKriplani
  20. I am not sure about the error but one thing is for sure, there is a missing jar in the /lib folder. Try looking for JSP-API.jar there or replacing the existing with the latest one. By replacing i mean, removing the old jar and adding the new jar else a conflict in the classes would occur. Hope this helps, KKriplani
  21. Rightly said by hozawa. But i feel there is a workaround for this. Declare a default value say '0' in the default expression. Make sure '0' does not exist for that column in the database. Hence everytime you don't select anything, default value for that parameter would go as 0 and the result would be empty as 0 is not in that column. Hope this helps, KKriplani.
  22. From error trace; "[echo] Message: [Could not connect: Access denied for user 'jasper_admin'@'%' to database 'mysql']" probably the connection to mysql isnt established. In the path <jasperserv>/buildomatic does ./js-install.sh test result in Success? This command verifies if the connection is established. Also make sure db credentials in default_master.properties is correct. Hope this helps, KKriplani
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