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Posts posted by kkriplani

  1. I dont believe that you can deploy the same zip under a different tree as the ID cannot be changed once the zip is exported. However you can follow the below listed methods to verify the backup;
    1) Take screenshots of the first work folder along with its backup and deploy the exported zip and compare with the screenshots.

    2) A little more cumbersome for just one  but most efficient method would be to deploy another jasperserver and test the two work folders parallel to each other by importing them into the two jasperservers (I follow the same)

    I hope this helps or there are better suggestion to sort out your issue.



  2. hyperlink.png.48bc92432a4a3c3a973571c2cba2d6f0.png


    Correct me if i am wrong, You are trying to link different reports based on the parameter $P{Device_Type}:

    The method that could help in doing so would be; for the link parameters in the hyperlink, under parameter name, add, _report and give it the following condition under Expression;

    $P{Device_Type} == "ATM" ? "*path_of_ATM_DAILY_REPORT*" : $P{Device_Type} == "ATD" ? "*path_of_ATD_DAILY_REPORT*" : "*path_of_RECYCLER_DAILY_REPORT*"


    1) Replace the line between * * with the respective paths (excluding the *s)

    2) Link the other parameters as per your requirement.

    I hope this helps,
    Thank you.


  3. There could be two possibilities;

    1) When you refer a Subreport as "repo:xyz.jrxml", you are refering to the file named xyz.jrxml in the resources of that particular Main report. So make sure that the xyz.jrxml is available in the resources of the particular Main report.

    2) The name mentioned in the subreport expression is not the same as the name of the subreport that exists in the resources folder. 

    If these options don't help, try giving the complete path of the subreport in the subreport expression like mentioned below;

    where sd.jrxml is the subreport.

    Hope this helps,
    Thank you

  4. First of all, let me get the doubt.

    You mean to ask the use of exclamation in $P!{param_name}.

    Lets suppose I have the following query,

    Select L_name, 
    $P!{check} as Characteristic
    from table

    This paramater allows me to view the various characteristics of the person I am refering above. It would be dependent on another parameter, let us call that parameter as $P{value}. 

    In the default expression of the parameter "check", I could define the following;

    $P{value}==1 ? "Physical_strength" : $P{value}==2 ? "IQ": "Nature";

    Depending on the various values of $P{value}, the parameter "check" will input the values into the query and mind you, the above three stated characteristics are nothing but the table columns, so basically we are displaying different columns based on the parameter "value".

    For instance, the parameter "value" was entered as 2, so my running query would look like (which you can check in the logs);


    select L_name, age_1, IQ as characteristics from table


    I know its too late but I Hope This was of some help to the new learners.

    Thank you


  5. Hi,
    I am having two different reports that are using two different date formats. Now i am aware that the date format is set in the config file and I will be able to run only one particular report at a time. Is there any way i could break this conflict? Is there a way to handle this using the locale

    Thank you in advance,


  6. Hi,
    I would like to know if it is possible to get two different date formats from the same locale. The issue being that I have two different dashboards running on two different date formats and I can run both with the same config file and will have to change every time I wish to switch the dashboard and restart catalina. Is it possible?
    If not, what is the best I can do to achieve the desired output?

    Thanks in advance.

  7. Hi all,

    I understand with the JasperSoft studio guide that the usage of CVC is FILE-->NEW-->OTHER--> JasperSoft Studio --> CVC and the the custom visualization component Wizard loads and we select one of the three categories and use the buildjs to uglify the data (I am a newbie so please correct me if I am wrong).

    My query is what if I wish to use any other visualization component, for example, I wish to bring in a scrollbar for my charts. I also noticed Amchartjs and Highstockjs (Two completely different js files) that support this feature. Is there any way to avail the scrollbar for my highly populated charts?

    Thank you in advance.

  8. Hi all,
    I am trying to create a HTML5 chart for a fairly huge amount of data and thus to avoid merging of axis descriptions I would want to keep a scroll bar so I can scroll through the axis. Is there a way to do so?

    Thanks in advance.

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