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Everything posted by j.t.casperson

  1. It's very odd, and a little frustrating that say I have a multiselect sql statement that says $X{IN, buildings_field, buildings_parameter}, if I don't select any buildings in the multiselect it will display all buildings as if I had selected all of them. Does anyone know why Jasper does this, and how to fix it?
  2. It's not always ideal or possible to have certain text written on a Jasper report, is there a way to upload a pdf or docx to a jasper report on JasperServer? (Either saving on the jasperserver or during report generation time)
  3. Sorry, I'm not too familiar with Postgresql. But, I would suggest compiling and previewing the report in JasperStudio (if possible) before trying it on JasperServer. Sounds like the issue is Jasper not liking your sql. I would try simplifying it to something like "select * from parts where not(parts.obsolete)" and then adding on more stuff until it throws the error again. Sorry I couldn't give a more concrete answer.
  4. I'm not sure why I can't comment on answers given, so I'll just leave a comment here. First of all, I really appreciate those who've taken the time to respond to my question. I'm happy to see ways to change element properties and custom elements, unfortunately these don't exactly help this particular question. Since I use a jrtx stylesheet with my reports. The reason why changing properties or using a custom element doesn't work is because I need the ability to change styles via the stylesheet. As it is I have to define the style for every element I add, it works, it's just tedious and easy to forget.
  5. Have you tried: select * from parts where bin = $P{Location Desired}
  6. I have a jrtx style sheet attached to several jasper reports and every time I make a new text element, line element, table, etc. I have to manually assign the style I want to that particular element. It's kind of tedious to do this over and over again. Is there a way to assign "default style" to an element in JasperStudio so the style can be already filled the second I place an element in my report?
  7. Dynamic column width isn't possible and neither is horizontal stretching in general for that matter. The simple answer is no.
  8. Is your connection from the server connected correctly to where you're trying to pull the data from?
  9. I'm using tables in Jasper and for the life of me I can't find anyway to set a variable on the width of columns. I'd actually like them to stretch width wise so each cell is only a single line of text as a second line (wrapping) would ruin everything I'm trying to do. I read that Jasper doesn't support dynamic width because it can mess up page format. However, I can manually stretch table column widths on a report on the JasperServer so why not let us do it automatically? Anyone?
  10. Thanks! At least I have that for future reference, in the end I just created a new workspace which reset the settings. Not sure how I disabled linked resources in the first place...
  11. According to documentation, in Jasper you can markup with html, styled, or rtf. The supported tags are <b>, <u>, <i>, <font>, <sup>, <sub>, <li>, and <br> I need a way to define my own tags (such as <h1>). I imagine there has to be a way to do this, but so far I haven't been able to find any documentation or answers. Thoughts? EDIT: Thought I should put more information down as to what I'm trying to do. I understand and use jasper stylesheets with the <style> tag, but what I'm trying to do is something like this: <textElement markup="html"/><textFieldExpression><![CDATA[$F{test_field}+" "]]></textFieldExpression> where $F{test_field}'s vaule might be "<h1>Header</h1>" or "<em>italic text</em>". Anyone know if or how this can be accomplished? In this case regular styles just won't cut it because the field is pulling from wysiwyg like editor that has styling available in it and I'd like to keep those styles in my Jasper report.
  12. I keep getting this error everytime I try to publish a report that contains a subreport, which in turn doesn't allow me to upload the report so it's a critical blocker. Reports are running fine on the server and studio. I could upload just fine until about 30 minutes ago and I don't recall changing any settings. ANY IDEAS/LINKS WOULD BE APPRECIATED.
  13. I think I figured out the answer. I'll post it here in case anyone has the same question. Basically you just need to write "<template><![CDATA["repo:Stylesheet_Name.jrtx"]]></template>" just below the properties in your report jrxml file. This also keeps you from having to add the stylesheet to your report on the server as a resource (which takes forever!).
  14. Background: I develop reports and stylesheets in Jasperstudio and then push them to Jasperserver when they're ready to be used. I'd like all of my reports to have the same styles and formatting so to do this I'm using a jrtx stylesheet as a resource that I've uploaded to JasperServer. Once I connect the stylesheet to each report on Jasperserver it all works well and good. The problem is when I want to create a new report I have to save a local copy of the stylesheet while I'm developing the new report on Jasperstudio and then when the report is done I have to publish it with the local stylesheet and then go to the server and change the resource path of the stylesheet. It can still work, but I'd rather not use a local copy of my stylesheet as it opens up the possibility of overwriting the server stylesheet. So this leads to my question, can you link a report in Jasperstudio to a stylesheet on Jasperserver?
  15. Not sure if this is a bug or something I just don't understand about input controls that are defined as dates. In Jasper Server you can define parameter input controls name, description, etc. They all seem to work pretty well except descriptions for date input controls, these seem to have a default description that says: "If your parameter supports relative date expressions, you can enter expressions like 'WEEK + 1' in this input control" that I can't replace for whatever reason. Anyone know how to customize date input control descriptions?
  16. Curious about what you're doing because I've been trying to do something similar. where are you putting these guys in your report? $V{REPORT_COUNT} % 2 == 0 => style="st_details_even" $V{REPORT_COUNT} % 2 != 0 => style="st_details_odd"
  17. I need a test environment for creating reports on my local machine and I'm unsure which JDBC Driver and Url I should use. I've connected my MySQL Workbench to my databases already and now just need to connect a Jasper studio data adapter to them. I'm on a Mac. What I've tried: JDBC Driver: I've tried mainly "org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver" and "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" for no reason other than the fact that they look the most generic to me. JDBC Url: I've tried a variety of things, but my two closest attempts I think are "jdbc:mysql://localhost:8889/Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/mysql" and "jdbc:hsqldb:Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/mysql". I think it should map the file path to where the data bases are stored which is Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/mysql. (For example, to view/edit the databases directly I put "/Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/mysql -uroot -p" in the terminal.) Data Atapter: I've been using a "Database JDBC Connection" I've been using jaspersoft studio now for almost a month and this is my first question that after several hours I just can't find the answer to. Thanks in advance for answers!
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