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JasperReports Library 7.0 is now available ×


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arif3hosain's Achievements

  1. please could you please write your image element of from your jrxml file.
  2. wWen you set permission to administrator it works for admin. So first of all, change permission and role to what you want.
  3. FOR ORACLE: seelct * from student where stuid=NVL('123456',stuid) and school_year=NVL('2017',school_year) MYSQL seelct * from student where stuid LIKE '123456%' and school_year LIKE '2017%' Hope got your answer For more query ask me at Skype arif.3hosain
  4. Did u visited this link............... Direct Download from here https://www.jaspersoft.com/download-jaspersoft-bi-software Best Regards Arif Hosain arif3hosain
  5. Firstly, Select fields from Fields left menu Then drag & drop those selected fields to detail brand. Hope it will work nicely. Thank You Dear Arif Hosain
  6. Its a paid version. Use JasperServer ultimate version for unlimited use purpose. Click here for ultimate version .... You can choice version based on your machine. http://community.jaspersoft.com/project/jasperreports-server/releases Thank You & Best Regards Arif Hosain
  7. Firstly, Select fields from Fields left menu Then drag & drop those selected fields to detail brand. Hope it will work nicely. Thank You Dear Arif Hosain
  8. http means transfer user requests & server responses (resources) over the internet. https do same things as http does and additionally, it applies encryption on data that is being transmitted over insecure internet. Thank You & Regards Jasper BI Engineer.
  9. Beautiful question--- Firstly create your report using iReport/JasperStudio. Secondly, create parameters based on your required fields. Upload the report to the jasperserver including Input Control. Thanks & Regards Arif Hosain Skype: Arif.3hosain
  10. Create a variable.Set Reset Type Group.Set Initital value expression to 0.Variable expression (variable+Inv_amount) Done & enjoy Thanks & Regards
  11. Change report name manually to the jrxml file. Thanks & Best Regards
  12. I have tried many times but Server cannot allow me to add jrxml to my server. But when I use community version then it allows and has already options. Thanks in advance and looking forward to got profer ans.
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