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Everything posted by Balraj

  1. Hi Community, As per requirement we've to implement role based filters on "Search Results" i.e., view -> search results from the menu. I'm following the given link: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-customize-search-results-filters-role-based how to tweak it to implement it for both "superuser and reportadministrator" Thank you :)
  2. I got the answer: Step1: Navigate to the path “JRSwebappsjasperserver-proWEB-INFactionModel-search.xml” Step2: Find Context tag with name=”resource_menu” Step3: Add condition to hide the “Run in Background”option based on User Role <condition test="checkModeAndDevice" testArgs="browse,search"> <condition test="checkAuthenticationRoles" testArgs="ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR"> <!-- Hide run-in background for non-admin users --> <simpleAction labelKey="RM_BUTTON_RUN_IN_BACKGROUND" action="invokeRedirectAction" actionArgs="RunInBackgroundResourceAction" clientTest="canBeRunInBackground" className="up"/> </condition> </condition> Cheers :D
  3. Hi Community, 1. How to hide right click options on reports based on Role. Only Report Administrator should be able to see all the options and ROLE_USER should see only "RUN & RUN IN NEW TAB" option in the right click options.
  4. To solve this issue, passing this to your sub-report ParameterName: verbKey ParameterExpression: $P{verbKey} Cheers :)
  5. Fixed it by using the answer from the below link http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/843465/report-element-auto-height-table-component-detailcell Cheers :)
  6. Hi community, I'm using Table comoponent and I've applied "Stretch with Overflow" property to a Text field element present in a column. But this resulted in "column border break" for all the remaining columns. I've applied "Relative to Tallest Object" property for other Text fields elements present in remaining columns but not working. What other property settings i've to do. Please let me know. Thanks & Regards
  7. Clear your cache. Another work around is use the default theme and replace the "Current Jasper Image" with "your image". Steps: 1. Find Image name which you want to change by Inspecting it. 2. Rename your image with same name. 3. Replace the Image in "default theme/images" with your image. 4. Refresh the web page, if it doesn't changes clean the browser cache and Reload the page again. Hope this helps cheers :)
  8. Got it, the answer is <filterExpression>testCurrentUserRoles(Transaction100_MyTable.RoleName)</filterExpression>[/code]Hope it helps someone.. Cheers :)
  9. Hi community, I'm trying to implement Domain Security based on Logged in user Role. I'm facing problems while writing a filter expession. Here is the XML Transaction100_MyTable.RoleName contains Roles Names in my Database, how to fetch Logged In user Roles and use them in "principalExpression" and "filterExpressions" <resourceAccessGrant id="JoinTree_1_ROLE_Failed_row_grant"> <principalExpression>authentication.getPrincipal().getRoles().any{ it.getRoleName() in ['ROLE_Failed'] }</principalExpression> <filterExpression>Transaction100_MyTable.RoleName in (groovy('authentication.principal.roles.roleName.join(", ").replace(',',"','")'))</filterExpression> </resourceAccessGrant>[/code]Thanks & Regards JasperExplorer
  10. You have to create 10 roles and assign Role to each User. So when the user logs in based on their Role, Published reports will be displayed. There's a chapter in JasperReports Server Administrator Guide for setting up Roles.
  11. Hi community, I'm trying SQL Query to fetch all the "AdHoc Reports" created from AdHoc views depending on the user ROLE. What DB tables I've to refer to write an SQL Query to fetch all the "AdHoc" reports created filtered by User Role. Thanks & Regards
  12. Hi Community, I have 25 columns to export to pdf, When I'm exporting I can see only 10 columns. Is there any way to set any properties to see all the 25 columns when export to pdf? If page width is less, then it should print the remaining columns in the next page. My requirement is to take prints on A4 Size paper of all the columns in the report. Thanks & Regards
  13. Got the Answer Specify this property at Report Level and Group Level "net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.one.page.per.sheet" = "true" and Check mark the Group with "Start New Page" Cheers :D
  14. Hi I solved it, by using "net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.break.before.row" = true on all the elements in the PageHeader band Thanks for Support :)
  15. Hi Community, I'm working on report, when I'm exporting to XLSx or XLS I'm getting a blank first sheet and the remaining sheets are coming based on each group. How can I remove the First Blank Sheet, any inputs would be great help for me. Sharing JRXML code here http://textuploader.com/5il4x Thanks
  16. Hi @hozawa, The Page Header is Dynamic, in the suggested case it'll be only static. Page Header contains report RunTime and the User Input Selection Values. Is there any other approach to solve this? Thanks :)
  17. Hi community, I've working on a report wherein when I Export it to XLSX, PAGE HEADER of the report should be printed in "Sheet 2" of Excel. Any Inputs Highly Appreciable :) Thanks & Regards JasperExplorer
  18. Got Answer from this url http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/webservice-datasource-documentation
  19. Hi Community, I'm using "Web Service Datasource" in my reports. To use it for Table Dataset I'm using the following expression: ((com.jaspersoft.webservice.data.query.IWSDataSource)$P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE}).clone() Now I've an another dataset which is different from the Main Dataset. How can I use it in another Dataset? Any help would be highly Appreciated :) Thanks & Regards JasperExplorer
  20. Hi community, I've been working with Ad Hoc views using Jasper Topics, but everytime when I update the number of columns in Topic those columns are not reflected/updated in my Ad Hoc view. Any inputs on this would be great help. Thanks JasperExplorer
  21. Hi @hozawa, Pleased with your reply. Can you share me a link where I can refer for implementing "Limiting Datasource Size". Another Question: When I'll get an error/exception while executing the Report on JasperServer or when I'm previewing in JasperStudio ? Kind Regards, JasperExplorer
  22. I'm also looking for this. I would lke to Limit the JasperReports Export size to 15MB. Is it possible? Need some guidance regarding this. Thanks :)
  23. Hi Community, How can I limit the Jasper Reports Export size let say 15mb. Questions are as follows: 1. The report contains large amount of data, but when I'm exporting I would like to get the data of only 15Mb. 2. If the Export size is greater than 20mb an exception should be shown to the user. Need guidance in achieving this. Thanks and Regards
  24. Hi Community, In JRS 6.1.1 i've configured for CVC and able to get PDF Export for the sample D3 charts. When i'm exporting the same into .DOC or .XLS, it is exporting complete "html" svg code. How to solve this issue? Thank you :)
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