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Everything posted by jacobs_1

  1. It is possible to create a hyperlink in a report and add it to an image to export a report into any export format availible.
  2. How can I create a custom button in a dashboard that exports a certain report to excel? Is it possible to also export a couple of different report to the same excel file?
  3. I want to use hyperlink to open a report in a popup window with custom hight and width. Can I use custom properties or parameters to define it?
  4. did you try copying directly from the old xml and paste it into the new xml?
  5. I want to use hyperlink to open a report in a popup window with custom hight and width.
  6. what is the expression you are using in page break?
  7. you can try putting those 3 in different text fields in the printWhereExpression (new Date() > $F{End of Support} AND new org.joda.time.DateTime().plusMonths(6).toDate() < $F{End of Support}) (new Date() <= $F{End of Support}) (new org.joda.time.DateTime().plusMonths(6).toDate() > $F{End of Support})
  8. You have to define an input control that take no information. Incase of user roles you have to define an input control multi select from list with the name and Id LoggedInUserRoles and an empty list. edit: it is better create the input control as multi select (select * from jirole) and add the property select_all:true to the parameter in ireport.
  9. Did you try using the query in an input control and choose the input control to be invisble.
  10. If I pick a theme it uses it for the current session but when I relogin it goes back to defualt although it keeps showing in the repositpry view the new theme as active.
  11. I need to make a Date/Time Input control in dashboard that will show the current time unless changed by the user. when I drag the input control into the dashboard it saves the current date/time into the input control and everytime I open the dashboard I see that time.
  12. when I run a report using this Query-based Input Controls select distinct COLUMN from TABLE where COLUMN is not NULL and $P{LoggedInUser}='Administrator' I get net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: Parameter "LoggedInUser" does not exist.
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